Det danske Fredsakademi

Semester 9 - Udvidet konfliktløsning, fredspædagogik og -psykologi : Indholdsfortegnelse


Følgende udsagn og spørgsmål skal analyseres

  1. Begreber som "traumatisering" eller "brutalisering" kan være forenklede og stigmatiserende
  2. Forklar forskellene mellem medicinsk-terapeutiske synspunkter og sociologiske-moralske synspunkter
  3. Er "helbredelse" fra krigsopelvelser en psykosocial proces eller begivenhed?
  4. Er den ene persons hævn, den andens sociale retfærdighed?
  5. Er krig en sygdom eller et moralsk problem?
  6. Er helbredelse fra krigsoplevelser en social proces?
  7. Skal helbredelse fra krgisoplevelser centreres omkring patientens genindførelse i hverdagslivet?




  1. Brock-Unte, Birgit: Opplæring til fred : Et feministisk perspektiv, 1987.
  2. Children and war : Proceedings of symposium at Siuntio Baths, Finland 24.3. - 27.3-1983. 1983.
  3. Jones, Ron: No substitute to madness. 1976.
  4. Krigens barn / Lars H. Gustafsson ; Agneta Lindquist ; Birgitta Böhn. Kommuneforlaget, 1989.
  5. Peace, conflict and violence : Peace psychology for the 21st century / Daniel J. Christie ; Richard V. Wagner ; Deborah Du Nann Winter [eds]. Prentice Hall, 2001.
  6. Pedersen, Anne: International politik som samfundsvidenskab : Den behavioralske skole inden for studiet af international politik : En metavidenskabelig undersøgelse af J. David Singers videnskabsopfattelse og fremgangsmåde, KU, Institut for samfundsfag, 1974.
  7. Psykosocialt katastrofeberedskab : En håndbog / Peter F. Hodgkinson ; Michael Steward, Munksgaard, 1994.
  8. Punamäki, Raija-Leena: Childhood under conflict : The attitudes and Emotional Life of Israeli and Palestinanian Children. 1987.


Peace : Abstracts of the Psychological and Behavioral Literature 1967-1990 / [ed] Herbert H. Blumberg ; Christopher C. French. - Washington D. C. : American Psychological Association, 1992. - 229 s. ; Bibliographies in Psychology 10). - ISBN 1-55798-137-X

Peacebuilding : A field guide / editors: Luc Reychler ; Thania Paffenholz.
- Boulder : Lynne Reinner : 2001. - 573 s. - ISBN 1-55587-912-8

Friends --

When my publisher told me to cut the original 125,000 words down to 100,000 on my peace psychology textbook (ouch!), one of the first things to go was a history of peace psychology. It referred to early roots, but started in earnest with William James. A highly abridged chronology went into the book, but the full 8,750-word article is now up on the web at:

I've also put together a set of suggestions for research projects in peace psychology. Many would be suitable for student projects or dissertation projects:

If anyone has other good research project suggestions, I'd be happy to add them in.

On a more narrow aspect, I've put up some basic information on the thesis that killing is a traumatic stressor that can cause PTSD symptoms (Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress, or PITS):

... along with illustrative instances in world literature:

... and personal stories:

Feel free to forward this information on to those people or lists you know might be interested.

-- Rachel M. MacNair


Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsySR)

2607 Connecticut Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20008 USA

Psychologists for the Promotion of World Peace (PPOWP)

P.O. Box 744
Bayswater, Victoria, 3153, Australia

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)

SPSSI Central Office
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence

Peace Psychology (Division 48: Peace Psychology)
Administrative Office
50 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 2002-4242

The last organization mentioned publishes the following as a quarterly journal: Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Also, you should take a look at the Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict located at the University of Pennsylvania.

Additionally, you will find two instructional resources (I've pasted their descriptions below) which include information related to peace psychology located on the Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology web site. These resources are available for free download in pdf format.

Incorporating Genocide, Ethnopolitical Conflict, and Human Rights Issues Into the Psychology Curriculum: Informational Resources (2000) by Linda M. Woolf, Webster University

This 27-page document contains two annotated bibliographies of materials on genocide, ethnopolitical conflict, and human rights issues written from a psychosocial perspective. The first bibliography includes major journal articles, book chapters, books, and Internet resources on these issues organized by topic. The second bibliography is comprised of reference materials for background information and further study. In addition, there is an annotated list of relevant journals.

Incorporating Genocide, Ethnopolitical Conflict, and Human Rights Issues Into the Psychology Curriculum: Instructional Resources (2000) by Linda M. Woolf, Webster University

This 32-page document consists of resource materials for developing whole courses and lectures on genocide, ethnopolitical conflict, and human rights issues. For incorporating specific topics into existing courses, lecture suggestions and selected references are given. For developing and revising whole courses, sample syllabi are provided. In addition, lists of relevant videotapes, Web sites, Internet discussion lists, and professional organizations are included.

Hope this information helps with your research.

Warm regards,
-- Linda M. Woolf, Ph.D.
Book Review Editor, H-Genocide
Associate Professor - Psychology
Coordinator - Holocaust & Genocide Studies,
Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights
Webster University
470 East Lockwood
St. Louis, MO 63119
Main Webpage


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