The Danish Peace Academy

Danish killed during the German occupation 1940-45

Killed during April 9, 1940   14
Executed according to German court-material  113
Other deaths connected to the resistance movement  837
Deaths in concentration camps during and after the war  560
Killed sailors and fishermen 1500
Killed during the RAF bombardment on the shipyard B&W January 27, 1943   11
Killed August 29, 1943   26
Killed during the explosion accident in the harbour of Aarhus October 31, 1944   28
Killed during the bombardment of the headquarter of Gestapo in Aarhus October 31, 1944   28
Killed during the bombardment of the headquarter of Gestapo in Copenhagen March 21, 1945  143
Killed during the bombardment of the headquarter of Gestapo in Odense April 17, 1945    8
Killed during murders, shootings, sabotage  901
Other persons killed during bombardments or the like  110
Killed total 4279

The figures does not include the period 1939-April 1940; killed Danes in allied or German forces, the killings of informers, suicides, the execution of traitors and later deaths relating to the occupation.
Beretning fra Centralkontoret for særlige Anliggender for Storkøbenhavn, 1946. p. 31.
Dansk Søulykke-Statistik, 1939-1945. / : udgivet af Ministeriet for Handel, Industri og Søfart.
...Forliset antages at skyldes Krigsaarsager...
/ Danish maritime accident statistics, 1939-1945. / : Published by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Shipping. ... The wreck is believed to be due to causes of war...
Faldne i Danmarks frihedskamp 1940-45. Udg. af Frihedskampens Veteraner : I redaktionskomiteen Svenn Seehusen : Sven Hoffmann. Red. af Ib Damgaard Petersen. Gyldendal, 1970.
Historical treatises and presentations: Kampen på havet : danske søfolk under Anden Verdenskrig. / : Christian Tortzen.
- Copenhagen : Information, 2011.- 377 p.
Krigssejlerne : træk af dansk skibsfarts historie, 1939-1945. / : Christian Tortzen.
- Valby : Forlaget Pantheon, 1995. - 288 p.
See also:
Nielsen, Henrik: Dødelighed og invaliditet blandt danske modstandsfolk deporteret til nazistiske koncentrationslejre. 1986.


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