Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 23. september 2014 / Timeline September 23, 2014

Version 3.5

22. September 2014, 24. September 2014

Ekstraordinært klima topmøde starter i FN i New York.
/ Extraordinary Climate Summit starts at the UN in New York.
UN Climate Summit 2014
'Climate change is not a far-off problem. It is happening now and is having very real consequences on people’s lives. Climate change is disrupting national economies, costing us dearly today and even more tomorrow. But there is a growing recognition that affordable, scalable solutions are available now that will enable us all to leapfrog to cleaner, more resilient economies.'
Litteratur: Democracy Now! Special 3-Hour Broadcast of the People's Climate March.
Avery, John Scales: The Urgent Need for Renewable Energy . In: Eruditio - Journal of the World Academy of Art and Science. Issue 5 Part 2. September 16, 2014.
'The transition to 100% renewable energy must take place within about a century because fossil fuels will become too rare and expensive to burn. But scientists warn that if the transition does not happen much faster than that, there is a danger that we may reach a tipping point beyond which feedback loops could take over and produce a catastrophic increase in global temperature.'
/ 'Overgangen til 100% vedvarende energi skal ske inden for omkring et århundrede, fordi fossile brændsler bliver alt for sjældent og dyrt at brænde. Men forskerne advarer om, at hvis overgangen ikke sker meget hurtigere end det, er der en fare for, at vi kan nå et vendepunkt fra hvilket tilbagekoblingssløjfer kunne overtage og producere en katastrofal stigning i den globale temperatur.'
CRS Insights: Climate Summit 2014: Warm-Up for 2015. / : Jane A. Leggett, Specialist in Energy and Environmental Policy, 2014.

U.S. Military, Partner Nations Conduct Airstrikes in Syria
DoD News, Defense Media Activity for U.S. Department of Defense.
From a U.S. Central Command News Release
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2014 - U.S. military forces and partner nations, including Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, undertook military action against ISIL terrorists in Syria overnight, according to a U.S. Central Command news release.



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