Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 25. februar 2014 / Time Line February 25, 2014

Version 3.5

24. Februar 2014, 26. Februar 2014

Sovjetunionens præsident Nikita Khrustjov taler på det sovjetiske kommunistparti XX partikongres mod Stalins forbrydelser, 1956.

Treasure Island cleanup exposes Navy’s mishandling of its nuclear past
Radiation Still Present in Former Naval Nuclear Arms Site
The secrecy behind an ex-Navy nuclear arms training program in California likely contributed to the faulty environmental cleanup of the site, says a new report.
The man-made landform Treasure Island was used for nearly 50 years as a base for training military personnel in nuclear war tactics. A number of radioactive materials were used there including plutonium, radium and cesium 137. However, when the Navy decommissioned the San Francisco-area site in the 1990s and began restoring it for eventual civilian use, a significant amount of radioactive waste remained behind, unknown to some of the San Franciscans who moved into new townhouses on the island, according to a Tuesday expose by the Center for Investigative Reporting.
The Navy was aware that radioactive materials at the Treasure Island Naval Station were not always properly handled, according to the report. However, because the service did not go public with the installation's nuclear weapons background, the environmental remediation personnel and other workers tasked with preparing the base for civilian use could have accidentally disseminated poisonous substances around Treasure Island, the report concludes.



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