Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 23. Mars 2013 / Time Line March 23, 2013

Version 3.5

22. Mars 2013, 24. Mars 2013

"Learn from History", 33st Anniversary of the Assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero
National Security Archive Update, March 23, 2011
Washington, D.C., March 23, 2011 - Thirty one years ago tomorrow, El Salvador's Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero was shot and killed by right-wing assassins seeking to silence his message of solidarity with the country's poor and oppressed. The assassination shocked Salvadorans already reeling in early 1980 from attacks by security forces and government-backed death squads on a growing opposition movement. Romero's murder further polarized the country and set the stage for the civil war that would rage for the next twelve years. In commemoration of the anniversary, the National Security Archive is posting a selection from our digital archive of 12 declassified U.S. documents that describe the months before his death, his assassination and funeral, as well as later revelations about those involved in his murder.



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