Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 11. januar 2013 / Time Line January 11, 2013

Version 3.5

10. Januar 2013, 12. Januar 2013

Congress Demands Answers on Decommissioning of Antimissile Vessel
The U.S. Congress has demanded that the Navy explain within six months why it intends to decommission a cruiser equipped with Aegis ballistic missile defense technology, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported on Thursday.
The USS Port Royal hit a reef in 2009, an accident that cause a sizable amount of destruction to the vessel, writes Global Security Newswire.

En klasevåpenprodusent og to kjernevåpenprodusenter utelukket fra Statens pensjonsfond
- Utland Finansdepartementet har utelukket Hanwha Corporation (sørkoreansk selskap), Serco Group Plc (britisk selskap) og GenCorp Inc (amerikansk selskap) fra Statens pensjonsfond – Utland i henhold til fondets etiske retningslinjer.
– I følge Etikkrådet produserer disse selskapene hhv. klasevåpen og kjernevåpen, og den type produksjon kan vi ikke være med på å finansiere, sier finansminister Kristin Halvorsen.
I tillegg har Etikkrådet undersøkt Rheinmetall AG (tysk selskap) og funnet at selskapet ikke produserer klasevåpen per i dag. Selskapet utelukkes derfor ikke fra fondet.
I henhold til de etiske retningslinjene punkt 4.4 skal Etikkrådet gi tilråding om negativ filtrering av selskaper på grunnlag av produksjon av våpen som ved normal anvendelse bryter med grunnleggende humanitære prinsipper. I NOU:22 2003 (Graverrapporten) og senere i behandlingen av retningslinjene i Stortinget, er det forutsatt at produksjon av klasevåpen og kjernevåpen skal omfattes av retningslinjenes punkt 4.4, skriver Finansdepartementet.

Norway Restricts Nuke-Linked Investments
A government-run investment pool in Norway can no longer hold stakes in certain firms with ties to atomic arms production, Reuters quoted the Norwegian Finance Ministry as saying on Friday.
Jacobs Engineering Group and Babcock & Wilcox are now off-limits to the $700 billion Norwegian Government Pension Fund, the largest funding instrument of its kind and holder of roughly a one-hundredth of all equities in the world.
Babcock & Wilcox "operates and has operational responsibility for state-owned plants that produce fissionable material for nuclear warheads, and maintains and upgrades such warheads," the ministry said in released remarks. Jacobs Engineering Group "is now participating in a joint venture company engaged in the development, production, testing and maintenance of nuclear warheads."
Norway said it had dropped similar restrictions on BAE Systems, Finmeccanica and FMC, which had previously been "excluded due to their involvement in the production of nuclear weapons."

Frankrig starter, støttet af USA, militære aktioner mod islamiske oprør i det nordlige Mali.

France starts, supported by the United States military action against Islamic rebellion in northern Mali.
Literature: U.S. Spyplanes, Drones Already Flying over Mali
Aviationist January 13, 2013
'According to a U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity to the AFP on Jan. 12, the Pentagon would be evaluating the possible contribution to the French air campaign in Mali'.

Mali: UN Security Council expresses 'grave concern' over reports of rebel military activity
11 January 2013 – The United Nations Security Council has expressed grave concern over the reported military movements and attacks by terrorist and extremist groups in northern Mali, in particular their capture of the city of Konna.
“This serious deterioration of the situation threatens even more the stability and integrity of Mali and constitutes a direct threat to international peace and security,” the members of the Council added in a press statement issued on Thursday night, after a briefing on the situation from the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman.
According to media reports, on Thursday, Islamist rebels seized control of Konna – a city of 50,000 people some 700 kilometres north-east of the capital, Bamako.
Northern Mali has been occupied by radical Islamists after fighting broke out in January 2012 between Government forces and Tuareg rebels – just one of several security, political and humanitarian problems the West African nation has been dealing with since last year.
The renewed clashes in the north, as well as the proliferation of armed groups in the region, drought and political instability in the wake of a military coup d'état in March have uprooted hundreds of thousands of civilians. Over 412,000 people have been forced to flee the country's north, and an estimated five million people have been affected by the conflict.
The Malian Government and rebel groups are expected to meet for peace talks in Burkina Faso's capital, Ouagadougou, on 21 January.
In their press statement, the Council members recalled their resolutions 2056, 2071 and 2085 – which dealt with the situation in Mali and were adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter – as well as the “urgent” need to counter the increasing terrorist threat in Mali.
Chapter VII of the UN Charter allows the Council to use force in the face of a threat to peace or aggression. One of key elements of the 15-member body's response to the situation in Mali, contained in its resolutions, has been the creation of an international military force to help restore the unity of the West African nation.
With resolution 2085, adopted in December last year, the Council authorized the deployment of that international military force – the African-led International Support Mission in Mali, to be known as AFISMA – for an initial period of one year.
“The members of the Security Council reiterate their call to Member States to assist the settlement of the crisis in Mali and, in particular, to provide assistance to the Malian Defence and Security Forces in order to reduce the threat posed by terrorist organizations and associated groups,” the Council members said.
“The members of the Security Council express their determination to pursue the full implementation of its resolutions on Mali, in particular resolution 2085 in all its dimensions,” the Council members added. “In this context, they call for a rapid deployment of the African-led International Support Mission in Mali.”
Echoing comments made by a spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday, the Council members also called for the immediate issuance of an agreed political roadmap, “which includes serious negotiations with non-extremist Malians in the north and presses for the full restoration of democratic governance.
The Secretary-General's Special Representative for West Africa, Said Djinnit, is continuing his efforts to support the political talks in Mali, including on the establishment of an inclusive national dialogue and the development of a roadmap for transition.
According to the Council's resolution 2085, AFISMA is tasked with contributing to the rebuilding of the Malian Defence and Security Forces, as well as supporting the Malian authorities in “recovering the areas in the north under the control of terrorist, extremist and armed groups and in reducing the threat posed by terrorist groups.”
In addition, it will be responsible for, amongst other tasks, supporting the Malian authorities in their primary responsibility to protect the population and to create a secure environment for the civilian-led delivery of humanitarian assistance and the voluntary return of internally displaced persons and refugees, writes UN News Centre.

La guerre françafrique
France démarre, soutenu par l'action militaire américaine contre la rébellion islamique dans le nord du Mali.



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