Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 1. januar 2013 / Time Line January 1, 2013

Version 3.5

December 2012, 2. Januar 2013

2013 – The Year of Asia-Pacific Peace & Demilitarization 2013 marks the 60th anniversary of the Korean Armistice Agreement that halted the fighting but which did not officially end the war. In the United States the anniversary will be marked by activities throughout the year.
The framework of 2013 as the Year of Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific can serve as a (non-nuclear) umbrella to provide more opportunities and greater visibility to our movements.

Året 2013 er det internationale år for vandsamarbejde.
I december 2010 vedtog FNs Generalforsamling den erklæring (resolution A/RES/65/154).
Internationale år er blevet udnævnt af FN siden 1959 for at henlede opmærksomheden på vigtige spørgsmål og tilskynde til internationale indsatser for at løse problemer, der har global betydning og følgevirkninger. FNs Generalforsamling anerkendte vand og sanitet som basale menneskerettigheder i 2010 for at sætte fokus på vands centrale rolle i udryddelsen af fattigdom og sult.

The year 2013 is the International Year of Water Cooperation.
In December 2010, the UN General Assembly made the declaration (Resolution A/RES/65/154).

Bolivia Nationalizes Two Spanish Electricity Distribution Companies
In an effort to assert control over national resources Bolivia has nationalized two Spanish electricity distribution companies. The measure on the eve of New Year – 2013 – comes up as an example of initiatives to secure interest of people.
Bolivia nationalized two electricity distribution companies owned by Spanish utility Iberdrola on December 29, 2012, the latest move by leftist President Evo Morales to assert control over the country's resources.
Iberdrola will be compensated according to a valuation to be drawn up by an independent arbiter, Morales said, adding that the measure was aimed at enhancing rural energy services.
"We considered this measure necessary to ensure equitable energy tariffs ... and to see to it that the quality of electricity service is uniform in rural as well as urban areas," Morales said.
Morales has nationalized oil, telecommunications, mining and electrical generation companies.
In June, Morales took control of global commodities giant Glencore's tin and zinc mine in Bolivia and more nationalizations of mining companies could be ahead in the Andean country, writes



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