Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 22. Juni 2012 / Time Line June 22, 2012

Version 3.0

21. Juni 2012, 23. Juni 2012

MP launches campaign to keep Wales weapon-free South Wales Evening Post
'Carmarthen East and Dinfewr MP Jonathan Edwards has lent his support to a Parliamentary motion, known as an Early Day motion, rebuking the Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones for suggesting the nuclear deterrent would be "more than welcome" in Wales if the Scottish Government wanted rid of it. The motion, which has also been backed by his Plaid Cymru colleagues Elfyn Llwyd and Hywel Williams, was put down just hours after Mr Jones told the Senedd that if the SNP wanted to remove the fleet of nuclear submarines from Faslane on the west coast of Scotland it — and the jobs which went with it — would be welcomed in Milford Haven.
But that has not stopped Plaid Cymru from stepping up the pressure on the First Minister by warning about the safety considerations of a nuclear fleet in close proximity to Milford Haven's liquefied natural gas terminals and oil refineries.'
Early day motion 230 : Nuclear Weapon-Free Wales
Session: 2012-13
Date tabled: 19.06.2012
Primary sponsor: Llwyd, Elfyn
'That this House believes in a nuclear weapon-free Wales; does not support the comments of the First Minister of Wales that there would be a welcome for housing the UK submarine fleet in Milford Haven; believes that the number of potential jobs created would be far smaller than that suggested; expresses concern about the safety considerations of a nuclear fleet in close proximity to Milford Haven'sliquefied natural gasterminalsand oil refineries, which where amongst the reasons for deciding against locating Polaris in Milford Haven in 1963; warns against future expenditure upon a new generation of weapons of mass destruction; and calls on plans to replace Trident to be scrapped.'

Skattereform 2012
Regeringen (Socialdemokratiet, Det Radikale Venstre og Socialistisk Folkeparti), Venstre og Det Konservative Folkeparti blev fredag aften enige om en skattereform uden Enhedslistens deltagelse. Heri indgår 'besparelser mv. på 2,7 mia. kr. (forsvar) og 1 mia. kr. (EU-bidrag) inddrages som en del af finansieringen af aftalen'.



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