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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 12. Juli 2012 / Time Line July 12, 2012

Version 3.0

11. Juli 2012, 13. Juli 2012


Syria and the Mainstream Media: Information and Disinformation
Covering Syria: The information war
By Aisling Byrne, [July 12, 2012]
The narrative that has been constructed by the Western mainstream media on Syria may seem to be self-evident from the scenes presented on television, but it is a narrative duplicitously promoted and coordinated so as to conceal and facilitate the regime-change project that is part of the war on Iran. What we are seeing is a new stage of information war intentionally constructed and cast as a simplistic narrative of a struggle for human rights and democracy so as deliberately to exclude other interpretations and any geo-strategic motivation. The narrative, as CNN puts it, is in essence this: "The vast majority of reports from the ground indicate that government forces are killing citizens in an attempt to wipe out civilians seeking [President Bashar] al-Assad's ouster" - the aim being precisely to elicit a heart-wrenching emotional response in Western audiences that trumps all other considerations and makes the call for Western/Gulf intervention to effect regime change. But it is a narrative based on distortion, manipulation, lies and videotape. It was also a narrative that from the outset, according to a recent report in Time magazine, that the US has facilitated by providing training, support and equipment to Syrian opposition "cyber-warriors".
For example – Neil MacFarquhar, “Details of a Battle Challenge Reports of a Syrian Massacre,”
New York Times [July 15, 2012]; and John Glaser, “Reports of Syrian Massacre Discredited,” [July 14, 2012]



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