Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 9. februar 2012 / Time Line February 9, 2012

Version 3.5

8. Februar 2012, 10. Februar 2012

Amerikansk COP 15 erstatning / Chicago settles with war protesters for $6M
February 9, 2012 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Attorneys representing the City of Chicago told a federal judge Thursday they have reached a settlement with nearly 700 people detained by police during a raucous 2003 anti-war protest.
The city has agreed to pay members of the class-action lawsuit a total of $6.2 million.
Attorneys representing the City of Chicago told a federal judge Thursday they have reached a settlement with nearly 700 people detained by police during a raucous 2003 anti-war protest. The city has agreed to pay members of the class action lawsuit a total of $6.2 million.
"I hope it sends a message that they need to treat us like citizens and not combatants," said Cheryl Angelaccio, one of the protestors arrested near Chicago and Michigan avenues a day after the start of the Iraq war in March of 2003.
Attorneys for the protesters say their lawsuit sends a message that police must allow demonstrators to exercise their constitutional rights and notify the crowd before mass arrests begin.
The city's defense in the case was weakened last year when federal appellate Justice Richard Posner ruled the arrests were unjustified because police allowed the massive demonstration to take place without a permit, but then decided to arrest people for participating without giving them a clear order that it was time to disperse.
Hundreds of people became trapped by police at Chicago and Michigan avenues. Confused demonstrators who said they just wanted to go home were instead arrested and held overnight. All of the arrest charges were later dismissed in court, Posner noted, writes The Huffington Post.

Manglende dansk forskning i krig
Holger Terp, Hvidovre
Stor tak og ros til lektor Gorm Harste for kronikken i Information 9. februar 2012, hvori han argumenterer godt for, at nu måbeslutningstagerne tage ansvar for Irak-krigens og Afgahnistan-krigens menneskelige katastrofer og tragedier.
Fredsforskeren Jan Øberg var inde på samme tema i sin bog forudsigelig fiasko allerede i 2004, men når det er sagt, så skal det tilføjes, at det er min personlige erfaring, at de fleste danskere kun kender til krigsrædslerne gennem massemediernes rapportager.
Krig er ikke et seriøst forskningsobjekt i Danmark. Således er der næsten ingen danske omtaler af Quincy Wrights monumentale A study of war, University of Chicago Press. (1942). xxiii 1552 s. og det samme gælder for Norman Dixons fremragende On the Psychology of Military Incompetence fra 1976. Dixon fortsætter, hvor Clausewitz slap. Krigshistoriens uforudsigelighed frem til og med første verdenskrig.
Når det gælder international ret er vi stort set ikke bedre stillet her til lands. Jacob ter Meulens omfattende værker om retshistoriens historie og udvikling fra mellemkrigsårene er stort set ukendte. Og når den banebrydende forskning ikke er formidlet af forskere og undervisere, så fortsætter de militære og politiske katastrofer og tragedier i form af krige.



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