Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 16. April 2012 / Time Line April 16, 2012

Version 3.0

15. April 2012, 17. April 2012

The Titanic As An Allegory
John Scales AveryBy John Scales Avery
“Oh the ship set out from England, and they were not far from shore.
When the rich refused to associate with the poor,
So they put them down below, where they'd be the first to go,
It was sad when that great ship went down.” (folksong)
Editor: Hear also Frank Hutchison: The Last Scene Of The Titanic (April 29, 1927). According to the InternetArchieve the song was 'recorded on April 29, 1927 in St. Louis. The story of the Titanic made a deep impression on people and was the subject of several ballads and tunes. Thus, versions of tunes about the Titanic were recorded by Ray Acuff, Ernest Stoneman, Blind Willie Johnson ("God Moves On The Water"), William & Versey Smith ("When That Great Ship Went Down"), among others. According to Jeff Place, the story of the Titanic "was particularly important to African-American musicians who were strongly aware of the irony that Jim Crow laws had disallowed African-Americans on the ship. It was felt that the owners certainly had received divine retribution."'
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On April 15, 1912, almost exactly 100 years ago, the RMS Titanic sank on her maiden voyage, after colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic. She carried 2,223 passengers, among whom were some of the wealthiest people in the world, accommodated in unbelievable luxury in the upper parts of the ship. Available for the pleasure of the first class passengers were a gymnasium, swimming pool, libraries, luxurious restaurants and opulent cabins. Meanwhile, below, crammed on the lower decks below the water line, were about a thousand emigrants from England, Ireland and Scandinavia, seeking a new life in North America. The Titanic carried only lifeboats enough for 1178 people, but the ship had so many advanced safety features that it was thought to be unsinkable.
Why does the story of the Titanic fascinate us? Why was an enormously expensive film made about it? Why has a cruse ship recently retraced the Titanic's route? I think that the reason for our fascination with the story of the Titanic is that it serves as a symbol for the present state of modern society. We are all in the great modern ship together. On top are the enormously rich, enjoying a life of unprecidented luxury, below the poor. But rich and poor alike are in the same boat, headed for disaster – surrounded by the miracles of our technology, but headed for a disastrous collission with environmental forces, the forces of nature that we have neglected in our pride and arrogance.
Te ancient Greeks were very conscious of the sin of pride - “hubris”, and it played a large role in their religion and literature. What the Greeks meant can be seen by looking in Wikipedia where the following words appear:
“Hubris means extreme pride or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality, and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power.... The word is also used to describe actions of those who challenged the gods or their laws, especially in Greek tragedy, resulting in the protagonist's fall. ”
“...loss of contact with reality, and overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power...”? Can we recognize this today? I think that we can.
Suggestions for further reading
1. Adams, Simon, “Eyewitness, Titanic”, DK Publishing, New York, (2009).
2. Aldridge, Rebecca, “The Sinking of the Titanic”, Infobase Publishing, New York, (2008).
3. Cairns, Douglas L., “Hybris, Dishonour and Thinking Big”, Journal of Helenic Studies, 116, 1-32, (1966).
4. Fisher, Nick, “Hybris: a study in the values in honour and shame in ancient Greece”, Aris & Phillips, UK, (1992).



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