Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 25. Oktober 2011 / Time Line October 25, 2011

Version 3.5

24. Oktober 2011, 26. Oktober 2011

Panetta Discusses Okinawa Issues During Japan Visit
By Karen Parrish, American Forces Press Service
TOKYO, Oct. 25, 2011 - Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Japanese leaders discussed the relocation of U.S. forces on Okinawa and other security issues during a series of meetings here today.
Panetta met separately with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, Foreign Affairs Minister Koichiro Gemba and Defense Minister Yasuo Ichikawa. In a joint news conference, Panetta and Ichikawa told reporters both are committed to the realignment roadmap and strengthening the U.S-Japan military alliance.
The secretary said all three Japanese officials confirmed their government is working to complete the environmental impact assessment required to move ahead with the plan that will significantly adjust U.S. forces on Okinawa. The 2006 roadmap signed by Japan and the United States would relocate Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, now in the center of Okinawa's Ginowan City, to a more remote area of the island. The plan also would move about 8,000 Marines now based on Okinawa to Guam.

NNSA Announces Dismantlement of Last B53 Nuclear Bomb
1960s-era system eliminated as President Barack Obama seeks to reduce the number of nuclear weapons WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) today announced that the last B53 nuclear bomb has been dismantled. The announcement was made at a ceremony at NNSA’s Pantex Plant outside Amarillo, Texas. Officials from the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration and Pantex joined elected officials to commemorate the dismantlement of the final B53 nuclear bomb.
The dismantlement of the 1960s-era weapon system is consistent with President Obama’s goal of reducing the number of nuclear weapons. In his 2009 speech in Prague, the President said “We will reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our national security strategy, and urge others to do the same.” The dismantlement of the last remaining B53 ensures that the system will never again be part of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile.
"The dismantlement of the B53 bomb - the oldest weapon in America's arsenal and one of the largest in U.S. history - is a major accomplishment that has made the world safer and for which everyone involved should be proud," said Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman. "Safely and securely dismantling surplus weapons is a critical step along the road to achieving President Obama's vision of a world without nuclear weapons."
NNSA’s Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories designed the B53 bomb and after being introduced into the stockpile in 1962, the B53 served a key role in the United States’ nuclear deterrent until its retirement in 1997. The B53 bomb is one of the longest lived and highest yield nuclear weapons ever fielded. Its sheer size and weight – about the size of a minivan and approximately 10,000 pounds – provided many challenges for the project team responsible for developing a dismantlement program that meets the requirements of NNSA’s rigorous SS-21 process.
Editors note: The B53 was built at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Burlington, Iowa.

Romney Pledges Triple Fence
By Don Monkerud
Not to be outdone by rivals, Mitt Romney recently attacked illegal immigrants with a pledge to build a triple fence along the entire length of U.S. Mexican border.
The three-layer fence would include a 52-foot wall built with materials imported from Israel, a 40-foot electric fence, and a series of posts, manned by troops pulled from Afghanistan and Iraq. A militia sponsored by Rural American Tribunal, or RAT, will establish additional barriers.
"Some think a 52-foot-high fence is overkill, but I heard if we built a 50-foot fence, someone would build a 51-foot ladder," said Romney. "So we have to go higher."
The original fence, begun by George W. Bush in 2005, was intended to deter terrorists after they already attacked. After spending a billion dollars on the first mile of fencing, and building an additional 7000 miles through Los Angeles, the Department of Homeland Security discovered Halliburton had over-charged. After breaking 40 Federal laws to build the fence, an electronic fence built from used Nintendo kits replaced the original plan. That too was abandoned after dozens of Sarah Palin's hairdressers escaped detection while crossing the border.
"Michele Bachmann's double fence is a good idea but it isn't enough," Romney told a cheering audience at Oral Roberts Junior Lawyer's Conference in Faith, Texas. "I will build four, five, six fences if necessary, but I will not let illegal aliens disrupt my campaign."
Romney's proposal is a response to recent calls by GOP rivals Michelle Bachmann, who views illegal immigration as " a sin against God and Country," and Herman Cain, who wants to electrocute illegal immigrants." Bachmann recently signed a pledge by the Securing Our Homeland Foundation, promising to complete the fence, and Herman Cain is recording a new song, "No Pizza for Immigrants," based on "When Everyone Becomes Unfaithful," a WWII German marching song.
"Illegal immigration has cost American taxpayers $100 trillion dollars, and it, not the banks, caused the recent recession," Romney told students. "We can't allow lazy people to come to this country, have babies and get on welfare. When I'm president, we'll greet them with a hail of bullets."
Bernie Makeoff, along with top scholars from the Center for Reclaiming America for the Ladder Day Saints, the Ron Paul Scouts of Alabama, and the Oral Roberts University Glee Club assisted in developing the plan. Among the most influential advisors is 104-year-old Thomas Sht. Mole, former editor for the Desert Rats News in Dogcollar, Utah.
"The House passed a bill to remove legal protection of gays and lesbians, and they'll soon remove legal barriers to mistreating illegal aliens," said Sht. Mole. " They will be fair game, and we will be able to legally tell fag and wetback jokes again."
The Romney campaign expects to unveil several new initiatives in the coming weeks to gain support of Republicans. Under consideration are plans to elevate the Book of Moron to a foundation document along with the Bible and the Constitution, to execute women who exercise their right to an abortion, and to replace the President's Cabinet with war, oil and gas, banking, and insurance ministries.
"By streamlining the Cabinet, we can run government more like a business," Romney said. "These are the players who pay to play; we won't waste time on unemployed citizens."
Romney is also seeking approval from Americans for the Rich of an entrance fee for anyone entering America. The group's no taxes ever-anywhere pledge was signed by 485 GOP presidential contenders. A complication is being worked out with the Workers Enslavement Federation and the Chamber of Commerce, who want to extend the fee to everyone in America making less than one million dollars a year.
"I'll impose mandatory citizenship training at Disney World for all new immigrants to create jobs," Romney told the students as they threw tiny crosses on the stage.
A new plan to overhaul the nation's legal system includes allowing religious denominations to create their own lists of sins and misdemeanors. The code would replace our "overcomplicated legal system."
"A one-size-fits-all approach in a faith-based world is outmoded," said Romney. "My new legal system will take into account a person's beliefs. It doesn't matter if someone committed the crime. It's what's in their heart that counts."
The new plan is based on the Mormon doctrine that everyone sins, and whether they should be punished depends on whether they faithfully wear their magic underwear. This will enable them to become saints and contribute to Bishop Romney's campaign.
Some of the more egregious plans, such as abolishing the environment, declaring war on the United Nations, and putting America on the gold standard, may not make it through the vetting process. Ditto for a proposal that all GOP nominees for office must make over $50 million a year.
The jury is still out on whether these proposals will be enough to win support from conservative voters. Confidential sources reveal that Romney may be over-relying on his magical underwear to protect him from Republican rivals for the presidential nomination.



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