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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 13. Oktober 2011 / Time Line October 13, 2011

Version 3.5

12. Oktober 2011, 14. Oktober 2011

Conference Approves Declaration on Nuke-Free World
'A gathering of hundreds of government officials, lawmakers and nonproliferation specialists in Kazakhstan on Wednesday issued a declaration calling for a world without nuclear weapons.
The three-page statement cites the "improved conditions for progress toward a world free of nuclear weapons" and urges all nations "to pursue further practical steps and effective measures toward the total elimination of nuclear weapons."
Produced by the International Forum for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World in Astana, the declaration calls for "further steps leading to nuclear disarmament to which all states parties to the [Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty] are committed ... including deeper reductions in all nuclear weapons of all types" that would be undertaken in a permanent and transparent manner...'



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