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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 1. maj 2011 / Time Line May 1, 2011

Version 3.0

April 2011, 2. Maj 2011

Global Peace Index 2011
In the Global Peace Index 2011 Iceland is ranked as the country most at peace, replacing New Zealand. Iceland topped the GPI in 2008, but dropped to fourth place in 2009 amid the country’s unprecedented economic collapse and political crisis. Small, stable and democratic countries are consistently ranked highest; 14 of the top 20 countries are western or central European nations. This is, however, a reduction from 15 last year, and refl ects both an improvement in Malaysia’s score and a deterioration in Slovakia’s, which lifts the South- East Asian nation into the top 20 for the fi rst time. Qatar rises two places to 12th position and remains the highest-ranked Middle-eastern country by some margin (Kuwait is the next highest in 29th place). The recent waves of uprisings and revolutions in the Middle East have been refl ected in sharply deteriorating GPI scores across the region, notably in Bahrain, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, which were previously ranked in the top half of the GPI. Island nations generally fare well – most are in the top half of the GPI, with Sri Lanka a notable exception.



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