Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 9. Juli 2009 / Time Line July 9, 2009

Version 3.5

8. Juli 2009, 10. Juli 2009

Bertrand Russell

Russell- Einstein, appellen mod kernevåben offentliggøres, 1955.
Litteratur: Wittner, Lawrence S.: Einstein, Russell, and the Bomb: The 50th Anniversary.

Dori Smith: Francis A. Boyle on the 2009 US--Russia Start Talks, Talk Nation Radio for July 9, 2009.
'International Law Professor Francis A Boyle joins us to talk about the Start Talks between US president Obama and Russian President Medvedev. [See related, G8 Summit, Addressing the Nuclear Threat, here, with Under Secretary of State Bill Burns, with the President at the G8 for portion on Iran, "because he's been so heavily involved in this, that he can walk you guys through what they're working on".]'



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