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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 31. Juli 2008 / Time Line July 31, 2008

Version 3.5

30. Juli 2008, August 2008

World Association of International Studies Conference, July 31- August 1, 2008
The World Association of International Studies (WAIS), in cooperation with the Stanford Alumni Association, will hold an international conference at the Stanford Alumni Association building on July 31-August 1, 2008. We are trying to find out what international issues most concern informed individuals. Each speaker will choose any topic which he deems to be of international significance. Thus the theme of the conference is very broad. Each speaker will have 30 minutes, no more, to use in any appropriate way, although it would be wise to divide the time equally between the talk and Q and A.. Here is the lineup at present.
Michael Bonnie, "Teaching in northwest China"
Anthony D'Agostino History, Ideology and the Globalization Bubble."
John Eipper, "Globalizing Studies at a small Midwestern College. The Cuernavaca Program at Adrian"
Phyllis Gardner, "Guatemala Project on International Health"
Maurice Harari, "Internationalization of universities and international university cooperation"
Tom Hashimoto, "Japanese Modern/ post-War Tenno (Emperor)"
David Hooson. "The Heartland Today: The Place of Inner Asia in World Affairs".
David Krieger, “Embracing Double Standards: From Nuremberg to Nuclearism.”
Harry Papasotiriou, American hegemony and its discontents: Global politics after 9/11"
Paul Pitlick, "Development of a Pediatric Cardiac Center of Excellence in St. Petersburg - A possible model for Development of Tertiary/Quaternary Care in Russia?"
Nushin Namazi, "Economic Structure of the Food Industry and the Global Epidemic of Obesity."
Charles Ridley, "Moral Education in East Asia"
Siegfried Ramler, "New paradigms for education in the 21st century"
Stuart Rawlings, "Another Messiah"
Cameron Sawyer *
Eugen Solf, "Civil Resistance during the Third Reich"
Steven Torok, "The Future of the UN"
Kyle Ward, "Learning History"
David Westbrook, "the role of intellectuals in modern societies"
Jaqui White, HH: *
* Title of paper to be announced. We would appreciate receiving them ASAP.



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