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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 17. september 2007 / Timeline September 17, 2007

Version 3.5

16. September 2007, 18. September 2007

National Security Archive Update, September 17, 2007
The Pentagon's Counterspies: the Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA)
Documents Describe Organization and Operations of Controversial Agency and Database
Washington D.C., September 17, 2007 - Today the National Security Archive publishes a collection of documents concerning the organization and operations of the Pentagon's Counterintelligence Field Activity and the TALON/CORNERSTONE database it has maintained. As the Defense Department announced on August 21, today that database will be terminated while work on new procedures for reporting of threats to the Defense Department and its facilities continues. In the interim, threat reports will be transmitted to the FBI.
The declassified documents published today include the key Department of Defense directive on the collection of information about Americans, as well as documents on the organization and missions of CIFA, an evaluation of charges of mismanagement by CIFA executives, and examples of data collected about protest activities as part of the Threat And Local Observation Notice (TALON) system.
Central to the collection are documents that show the internal and public response by the Defense Department to questions raised about the propriety of the data base - specifically, its collection and retention of data on political protests. Also, included is a DoD Inspector General report on the operation of the TALON system, identifying a number of problems in operation of the system.

Private Security Company Association of Iraq reaffirms its commitment for increased transparency and accountability
Baghdad, Iraq -The PSCAI is committed to furthering professionalism, transparency and accountability within the private security industry operating in Iraq. The PSCAI endeavors to continuously reaffirm these important goals. To this end, the PSCAI has recently redistributed the Rules for Use of Force to all member companies. "While we stand by the professionalism of our members, our highest priority is ensuring that the industry acts in a responsible and professional manner. Private security company employees are highly trained and experienced individuals operating in a challenging environment. They are fully aware of the Rules for Use of Force and pride themselves on abiding by those rules. PSCAI membership is contingent on agreeing to operate under consistent operational standards, as outlined in CPA Memorandum 17," said Lawrence Peter, who is the Director of the PSCAI. The PSCAI will work closely with its members, the private security industry, Iraqi and Coalition officials in continuing its goal of furthering transparency and accountabilty. The PSCAI is available for further comment on the Rules for Use of Force, as well as standards and accountability of private security contractors. More information related to the PSCAI can be found at



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