Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 6. Oktober 2007 / Time Line October 6, 2007

Version 3.5

5. Oktober 2007, 7. Oktober 2007

Yom Kippur krigen starter, 1973.

Modtageren af årets the Right Livelihood Award offentliggøres i Stockholm.
Right Livelihood Awards highlight solutions to global challenges
The 2007 Right Livelihood Award of SEK 2 million is shared between four Recipients, who show that there exist practical solutions to pressing global challenges:
Christopher Weeramantry (Sri Lanka) is a world-renowned legal scholar, best known for his landmark International Court opinion on the threat and use of nuclear weapons. The jury honours “his lifetime of groundbreaking work to strengthen and expand the rule of international law”.
Dekha Ibrahim Abdi (Kenya) has engaged in effective peace work and conflict resolution in many of the world’s most divided countries. The Jury commends her “for showing in diverse ethnic and cultural situations how religious and other differences can be reconciled, even after violent conflict, and knitted together through a cooperative process that leads to peace and development”.
Percy and Louise Schmeiser (Canada) have given the world a wake-up call about the dangers to farmers and biodiversity everywhere from the growing dominance and market aggression of companies engaged in the genetic engineering of crops. The Jury honours the Schmeisers “for their courage in defending biodiversity and farmers’ rights, and challenging the environmental and moral perversity of current interpretations of patent laws”.
The company Grameen Shakti (Bangladesh) has shown that solar energy applications can be scaled up massively and rapidly to provide an affordable and climate-friendly energy option for the rural poor. The Jury commends Grameen Shakti “for bringing sustainable light and power to thousands of Bangladeshi villages, promoting health, education and productivity”.
Quote Jakob von Uexkull: “The 2007 Right Livelihood Award Recipients highlight existing solutions for today’s world: Dekha Ibrahim Abdi and Christopher Weeramantry demonstrate how war and terror can be overcome by peace-building and the rule of international law. The Schmeisers and Grameen Shakti show us how to protect two essential services of our global ecosystem: our agricultural resources and our global climate.”

Pledge of Non-participation in Counter-insurgency
Network of Concerned Anthropologists; We, the undersigned, believe that anthropologists should not engage in research and other activities that contribute to counter-insurgency operations in Iraq or in related theaters in the “war on terror.” Furthermore, we believe that anthropologists should refrain from directly assisting the US military in combat, be it through torture, interrogation, or tactical advice. US military and intelligence agencies and military contractors have identified “cultural knowledge,” “ethnographic intelligence,” and “human terrain mapping” as essential to US-led military intervention in Iraq and other parts of the Middle East. Consequently, these agencies have mounted a drive to recruit professional anthropologists as employees and consultants...



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