Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 13. Mars 2007 / Time Line March 13, 2007

Version 3.5

12. Mars 2007, 14. Mars 2007

U.S. Conducts Subcritical Nuclear Test Series
Global Security Newswire - Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The United States has conducted four subcritical nuclear tests this year involving small amounts of plutonium, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.
The Nevada Test Site experiments, dubbed the “Thermos” tests, have involved gram-size amounts of fissile material, less than in previous U.S. subcritical tests. Such tests examine the properties of plutonium during an explosion without creating a nuclear chain reaction.
Test site manager sees challenges ahead
From Thermos-5 to bunker buster
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the Pentagon agency that has conducted more than 40 non-nuclear tests in an effort to develop a bunker-buster bomb for crushing deep tunnels in limestone where an enemy could store weapons of mass destruction.
The agency abruptly canceled the final and largest test of the series, dubbed Divine Strake, on Feb. 22 amid opposition from downwinders, politicians and environmentalists. They feared the blast's mushroom cloud would carry dust laced with radioactive particles from historic nuclear tests off the Nevada Test Site.
In announcing the cancellation, agency chief James Tegnelia said his scientists will try to get the data that was expected from Divine Strake by conducting "confirmatory experiments at a much smaller scale."
Litteratur: Divine Strake: Global Strike Low-Yield Nuclear Simulation U.S. Department of Energy, "Large-Scale, Open-Air Explosive Detonation DIVINE STRAKE at the Nevada Test Site," Environmental Assessment, DOE/EA-1550, May 2006.



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