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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 3. maj 2007 / Time Line May 3, 2007

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2. Maj 2007, 4. Maj 2007

National Security Archive Update, May 3, 2007
Bomber's Confessions Point to Explosives Hidden in Toothpaste Tube that Brought Down Civilian Airliner in 1976
Former CIA Agent Posada Goes to Trial May 11
Washington DC, May 3, 2007 - Former CIA operative and indicted terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, who goes on trial for immigration fraud on May 11, reportedly kept a detailed list of targets for terrorism in the Caribbean "with a link to Cuba" -- four of which were bombed in the summer of 1976 -- in his Caracas office. The National Security Archive posted the surveillance target list on its Web site today, among other investigative records relating to the bombing of Cubana flight 455 in October 1976.
A Venezuelan employee of Posada conducted the surveillance on the targets and drafted the report that included information on Cubana Aviacion flights in and out of Barbados, according to a document posted today. At least four targets identified in the surveillance report -- including the Guyanese Embassy in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad -- were subsequently bombed, and the Cubana jet was blown up in mid-air on October 6, 1976, after taking off from Seawell airport in Barbados, killing all 73 passengers.
Posada faced charges in Venezuela for the airplane bombing, but escaped from prison there in 1985, participated in the White House- and CIA-sponsored Iran-contra covert operations in Central America in the 1980s, and illegally entered the U.S. in March 2005. He is currently out on bail in Miami, albeit under house detention, awaiting trial on immigration fraud next week.
Additional investigative records generated by police authorities in Trinidad following the bombing, and posted today for the first time, include handwritten confessions by a second Venezuelan, Freddy Lugo, that describe how Ricardo molded plastic explosive into a Colgate toothpaste tube to destroy the plane, as well as his attempts to reach Posada via telephone after the plane went down.
Thirty years after one of the most infamous attacks on a civilian plane in the Western Hemisphere, officials at the National Security Archive noted that this historical documentation remains relevant for current efforts to detect and deter aviation terrorism using explosives disguised as gels and liquids. "These documents provide the true historical backdrop for the legal proceedings against Luis Posada Carriles," said Peter Kornbluh who directs the Archive's Cuba Documentation Project. "They are a critical part of the documentary record of Posada's long career as one of the world's most prolific international terrorists."



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