Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 16 juni 2007 / Time Line June 16, 2007

Version 3.5

15. juni 2007, 17. juni 2007

Press Release 16 June 2007 - Presseerklaerung 16. Juni 2007
Die 61. Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen erklaerte den 2. Oktober (Geburtstag von Mahatma Gandhi) zum jaehrlichen "Internationalen Tag der Gewaltfreiheit". 192 Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten Nationen stimmten der Resolution zu, die nach Angaben des indischen Aussenministers, Anand Sharma, auf der Ende Januar in New Delhi stattgefundenen internationalen Satyagraha - Konferenz ueber Frieden und Gewaltfreiheit ("Peace, Nonviolence and Empowerment - Gandhian Philosophy in the 21st Century") ihren Ausgang nahm. Diese Resolution ist ein Beitrag der Vereinten Nationen zur internationalen Kultur des Friedens, der Toleranz, der internationalen Verstaendigung und der Gewaltfreiheit" und zur internationalen Friedenspaedagogik.
Christian Bartolf (Chair)
Gandhi Information Center
Research and Education for Nonviolence
P.O. Box 210109, 10501 Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (E.U.)
Christian Bartolf (1. Vorsitzender)
Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum (gemeinnuetziger Verein)
Forschung und Bildung für Gewaltfreiheit
Postfach 210109, 10501 Berlin, Bundesrepublik Deutschland (E.U.)
UN declares creation of International Day of Nonviolence
The 61st UN General Assembly decided on Friday to observe the International Day of Nonviolence each year on October 2 - the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the spiritual and political leader of India who led the struggle for India's independence from the British Empire.
Introducing the resolution adopted by the 192-member body, India's Minister of State for External Relations Anand Sharma, said the idea originated at an international conference on "Peace, Nonviolence and Empowerment - Gandhian Philosophy in the 21st Century" convened in New Delhi in January this year.
Mahatma Gandhi was born October 2, 1869. His philosophy of nonviolence has influenced national and international nonviolent resistance movements to this day.
The assembly, "desiring to secure a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and nonviolence," invited states, UN bodies, regional and nongovernmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the day, including through education and public awareness, according to the text of the resolution."
- Xinhua, 16 June 2007:

Indian helicopters for Myanmar: making a mockery of embargoes?
EU non-governmental organisations are concerned at reports from credible sources that the Government of India may transfer military helicopters to the Government of Myanmar (Burma) as part of the two countries’ increasing military co-operation. EU and US based companies have been extensively involved in the design and production of these helicopters, the transfer of which would risk undermining existing EU and US sanctions and arms embargoes on Myanmar. This report examines EU (and, to a lesser extent, US) involvement in the making of India’s Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH).

Det socialistiske parti Die Linke oprettes i Berlin.



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