Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 9. februar 2007 / Time Line February 9, 2007

Version 3.5

8. Februar 2007, 10. Februar 2007

A List of 52 Hearings Already
Held On Issues Related to Iraq War
Tuesday, January 9th
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – CLOSED full committee briefing on the situation in Iraq
Wednesday, January 10th
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Where We Are: The Current Situation in Iraq.”
Thursday, January 11th
• House Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on the way forward in Iraq
• House Foreign Affairs Committee – full committee hearing on “Iraq, Part I”
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. The Administration’s Plan for Iraq”
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Troop Surge, Partition, Withdrawal or Strengthen the Center?”
• Senate Select Committee on Intelligence – full committee hearing on “Annual Threat Assessment”
Friday, January 12th
• Senate Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on Iraq
Tuesday, January 16th
• House Armed Services Committee - Seapower and Expeditionary Forces Subcommittee hearing on Marine Corps force protection equipment for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom
• Senate Judiciary Committee – full committee hearing on “The Plight of Iraqi Refugees”
Wednesday, January 17th
• House Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on alternative perspectives on the President’s strategy for Iraq
• House Appropriations Committee – CLOSED. Defense Subcommittee holds hearing on Army and Marine Corps Readiness
• House Appropriations Committee – CLOSED. Defense Subcommittee holds closed hearing on Army and Marine Operations and Equipment Reconstruction
• House Foreign Affairs Committee – full committee hearing on “Iraq, Part II”
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Regional Diplomatic Strategy”
Thursday, January 18th
• House Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on approaches to audit of reconstruction and support activities in Iraq
• House Armed Services Committee - Air and Land Forces Subcommittee hearing on Army force protection equipment for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom
• House Appropriations Committee – CLOSED. Defense Subcommittee holds closed hearing on Guard and Reserve Readiness
• House Appropriations Committee – CLOSED. Defense Subcommittee holds closed hearing on Navy and Air Force Readiness
• House Budget Committee – full committee hearing on “Budgeting for War Costs”
• House Select Intelligence Committee – full committee hearing on Worldwide Threats
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Military and Security Strategy”
Friday, January 19th
• House Foreign Affairs Committee – full committee hearing on “Iraq: The Baker-Hamilton Commission Report. Part III”
• House Appropriations Committee – Defense Subcommittee holds hearing on Military Medical Readiness
Monday, January 22nd
• House Appropriations Committee – CLOSED. Defense Subcommittee holds closed hearing on Intelligence Readiness
Tuesday, January 23rd
• House Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on Iraq’s Effect on Total Force Readiness
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Alternative Plans: Federalism, Side with the Majority, Strategic Redeployment, or Negotiate?”
• Senate Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on “Nomination of Lieutenant General David H. Petraeus, USA, to be General and Commander, Multi-National Forces – Iraq”
Wednesday, January 24th
• House Select Intelligence Committee – CLOSED full committee hearing on Iraq Intelligence Support to Policymakers
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee meeting on S. Con. Res. 2, the Biden-Hagel-Levin-Snowe Bipartisan Iraq War Resolution
Thursday, January 25th
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Reconstruction Strategy”
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Political Strategy”
• Senate Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on “The Current Situation in Iraq and the Administration’s Recently Announced Strategy for Continued United States Assistance tot eh Iraqi Government and for an Increased United States Military Presence in Iraq”
Friday, January 26th
• House Appropriations Committee – Defense Subcommittee hearing on Military Medical Readiness
Tuesday, January 30th
• Senate Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on the Nomination of Admiral William J. Fallon, USN, for Reappointment to the Grade of Admiral and to be Commander, United States Central Command
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Alternative Plans: The Iraq Study Group”
• Senate Judiciary Committee – full committee hearing on “Exercising Congress’ Constitutional Power to End a War”
Wednesday, January 31st
• House Armed Services Committee – Readiness and Air Subcommittee and Land Forces Subcommittee hearing on Army Equipment Reset/Maintaining Military Equipment in Iraq
• Senate Judiciary Committee – full committee hearing on “Examining Recommendations for Improvements to Iraq’s Justice System”
• Senate Armed Services Committee - CLOSED full committee briefing on the Iraq “surge” plan
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Iraq in the Strategic Context, Part I”
Thursday, February 1st
• Senate Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing “The Nomination of General George W. Casey, Jr., USA, for Reappointment to the Grade of General and to be Chief of Staff, United States Army”
• Senate Foreign Relations Committee – full committee hearing on “Securing America’s Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options. Iraq in the Strategic Context, Part II”
Monday, February 5th
• House Select Intelligence Committee – CLOSED full committee briefing on the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq
Tuesday, February 6th
• House Oversight & Government Reform Committee – Full committee hearing on Waste, Fraud & Abuse: Part I – Iraq Reconstruction
• Senate Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on the 2007 and 2008 war supplemental requests in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2008 and the Future Years Defense Program
• Senate Budget Committee – full committee hearing on “War Costs”
Wednesday, February 7th
• House Armed Services Committee – full committee hearing on the FY 2008 Department of Defense Budget
• House Oversight & Government Reform Committee – full committee hearing on Waste, Fraud & Abuse: Part II – Iraq Private Contractor Oversight
• Senate Select Committee on Intelligence – holds a CLOSED hearing on Iraq
Thursday, February 8th
• House Appropriations Committee – CLOSED. Select Intelligence Oversight Panel holds closed hearing on the proposed FY 2007 war supplemental appropriations bill
• House Appropriations Committee – State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee holds oversight hearing on assistance programs in Iraq

Danske turister støtter svensk våbenindustri
En særpræget modkøbsaftale mellem Sydafrika og den svenske våbenfabrikant Saab betyder, at danske turister er med til at sikre Saab ordrer på jagerfly og bomber til Sydafrika.
Der skriver erhvervsportalen
Saab er kendt for at producere klyngebomber og har sammen med sin britiske partner BAE siden 1999 solgt 52 jagerfly til Sydafrika.
Firmaet må ifølge Dagens Nyheter medregne turist-besøg fra hele Skandinavien som en del af et omfattende modkøbsprogram. Det vil sige, at jo flere nordboere der rejser til Sydafrika, desto færre våben skal Saab købe tilbage fra Sydafrika...



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