Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 1. April 2007 / Time Line April 1, 2007

Version 3.0

Marts 2007, 2. April 2007

Det er nu 49 måneder siden, at USAs præsident Bush erklærede krigen i Irak for vundet.

Successfu blockaded the Faslane Nuclear Naval Base In Scotland. Various blockade groups in intriguing lock-on devices and some plastered together blocked the main entrance to the site. The blockade lasted for over 4 hours. The action is part of an international campaign called Faslane 365 aims to blockade the naval base throughout the year in a bid to stop the replacement of the controversial Trident Missile System. Blockades have been taking place for the last few months by groups from around the country and beyond.



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