Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 26. Oktober 2006 / Time Line October 26, 2006

Version 3.5

25. Oktober 2006, 27. Oktober 2006

Volden mod kristne i Irak øges
Volden mod kristne vokser i Irak. Kirker bliver beskudt og bombet og kristne bliver kidnappet og lynchet, oplyser organisationen Åbne Døre.
I tillæg til den blodige kamp imellem sunni- og shiamuslimer i Irak er der sket en stigning i voldshandlinger, der er rettet mod kristne irakere.
De sidste uger er flere kirker er blevet beskudt og bombet og en række kristne er blevet lynchet og kidnappet.
Det oplyser den internationale tværkirkelige organisation Åbne Døres medarbejdere i Irak.
De første par år efter Saddam Husseins fald vendte mange kristne tilbage til Irak, og mange nye kirker skød op i landet, men nu er billedet ændret.
Titusindvis af irakiske kristne er igen flygtet ud af landet til Jordan og Syrien, hvor mange lever under meget kummerlige forhold, oplyser Åbne Døre, som forsøger at overvåge de kristne kirkers vilkår i de lande, hvor kristne i større eller mindre grad er udsat for forfølgelse.
[Note: Den største gruppe af Kristne består af: Assyrere og Armeniere]

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Northrup Grumman Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Va., is being awarded a $71,452,262 cost-plus-fixed-fee modification under previously awarded contract (N00024-06-C-2105) for planning yard, design, configuration management and logistics support for new construction, operational, conversion and decommissioning submarines, and modernization support for operational and decommissioning submarines. The contract will provide for engineering, technical and design support, configuration management support, Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), and database management support for new construction. This effort will support SSN 688, Seawolf, Virginia, SSBN, Trident-UK, and SSGN Class submarines. This modification combines support of the U.S. Navy (99 percent) and the United Kingdom (1 percent) under the Foreign Military Sales program. Work will be performed in Newport News, Va., and is expected to be completed by September 2007. Contract funds in the amount of $31,438,995 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity.
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Mitchel Field, N.Y., is being awarded the options contained in contract N00030-06-C-0005 in the amount of $38,517,085 for FY07 US/UK TRIDENT II (D5) navigation subsystem engineering support services. Specific efforts include U.S. and U.K. fleet support, SSBN 732 engineering refueling overhaul, U.S. and U.K. trainer systems support, Shipboard Integration Program, and navigation - fire control integration. The work will be performed in Mitchel Field, New York. The FY07 optional items increase the contract value to $83,289,790 and extend performance through 30 September 2009. This contract was awarded based on a sole source acquisition. The Navy's Strategic Systems Programs is the contracting activity (N00030-06-C-0005). The funding profile is as follows: $26,114,799 FY07 O&M, N (67.8%), $2,298,424 FY07 SCN (6.0%), $7,251,254 FY07 OPN (18.8%), and $2,852,608 UK (7.4%).



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