Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 13. Oktober 2006 / Time Line October 13, 2006

Version 3.5

12. Oktober 2006, 14. Oktober 2006

Modtageren af årets, Nobelfredspris offentliggøres:
Nobels Fredspris 2006
Den Norske Nobelkomite har bestemt at Nobels fredspris for 2006 skal delast, i to like store delar, mellom Muhammad Yunus og Grameen Bank for arbeidet deira for å skapa økonomisk og sosial utvikling nedanfrå. Varig fred kan ikkje skapast utan at store folkegrupper finn vegar til å bryta ut av fattigdom. Mikrokreditt er ein slik veg. Utvikling nedanfrå verkar og til å fremja demokrati og menneskerettar.
Muhammad Yunus har vist seg som ein leiar som har greidd å omsetja visjonar i praktisk handling til beste for millionar av menneske, ikkje berre i Bangladesh, men og i mange andre land i verda. Lån til fattige utan noka økonomisk trygging syntest vera ein umogleg tanke. Frå ein smålåten start for tre tiår sidan har Yunus, fyrst og fremst gjennom Grameen Bank, utvikla mikrokreditt til eit jamt viktigare verkemiddel i kampen mot fattigdom. Grameen Bank har gjeve idear og mønster for dei mange institusjonane innanfor mikrokreditt som har oppstått rundt om i verda.
Kvart einaste individ på jorda har både potensiale og rett til eit verdig liv. På tvers av kulturar og sivilisasjonar har Yunus og Grameen Bank vist at jamvel dei fattigaste av dei fattige kan verka til eiga utvikling.
Mikrokreditt har synt seg å vera ei viktig frigjerande kraft i samfunn der særleg kvinner må kjempa mot undertrykkjande sosiale og økonomiske vilkår. Det kan ikkje skapast fullverdig økonomisk vekst og politisk demokrati utan at den kvinnelege halvdel av menneska på jorda medverkar på like fot med den mannlege.
Yunus sin langsiktige visjon er å avskaffa fattigdomen i verda. Mikrokreditt kan ikkje åleine nå dit. Men Muhammad Yunus og Grameen Bank har vist at mikrokreditt må stå sentralt i det vidare strev for å nå dette målet.

National Security Archive Update, October 13, 2006
The Reykjavik File: Previously Secret Documents from U.S. and Soviet Archives on the 1986 Reagan-Gorbachev Summit From the collections of The National Security Archive, George Washington University, Washington DC. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 203. Posted - October 13, 2006. / : Edited by Dr. Svetlana Savranskaya and Thomas Blanton.
Washington, D.C. and Reykjavik, Iceland - President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev almost achieved a deal 20 years ago at the 1986 Reykjavik summit to abolish nuclear weapons, but the agreement would have required "an exceptional level of trust" that neither side had yet developed, according to previously secret U.S. and Soviet documents posted today on the Web by the National Security Archive ( of George Washington University and presented on October 12 in Reykjavik directly to Gorbachev and the president of Iceland.
The documents include Gorbachev's initial letter to Reagan from 15 September 1986 asking for "a quick one-on-one meeting, let us say in Iceland or in London," newly translated Gorbachev discussions with his aides and with the Politburo preparing for the meeting, U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz's briefing book for the summit, the complete U.S. and Soviet transcripts of the Reykjavik summit, and the internal recriminations and reflections by both sides after the meeting failed to reach agreement.
Archive director Thomas Blanton, Archive director of Russia programs Dr. Svetlana Savranskaya, and Pulitzer-Prize-winning biographer Dr. William Taubman presented the documents to Gorbachev at a state dinner in the residence of President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson of Iceland on October 12 marking the 20th anniversary of the summit, which Grimsson commented had put Iceland on the map as a meeting place for international dialogue.
The documents show that U.S. analysis of Gorbachev's goals for the summit completely missed the Soviet leader's emphasis on "liquidation" of nuclear weapons, a dream Gorbachev shared with Reagan and which the two leaders turned to repeatedly during the intense discussions at Reykjavik in October 1986. But the epitaph for the summit came from Soviet aide Gyorgy Arbatov, who at one point during staff discussions told U.S. official Paul Nitze that the U.S. proposals (continued testing of missile defenses in the Strategic Defense Initiative or SDI while proceeding over 10 years to eliminate all ballistic missiles, leading to the ultimate abolition of all offensive nuclear weapons) would require "an exceptional level of trust" and therefore "we cannot accept your position."
Politburo notes from October 30, two weeks after the summit, show that Gorbachev by then had largely accepted Reagan's formulation for further SDI research, but by that point it was too late for a deal. The Iran-Contra scandal was about to break, causing Reagan's approval ratings to plummet and removing key Reagan aides like National Security Adviser John Poindexter, whose replacement was not interested in the ambitious nuclear abolition dreams the two leaders shared at Reykjavik. The documents show that even the more limited notion of abolishing ballistic missiles foundered on opposition from the U.S. military which presented huge estimates of needed additional conventional spending to make up for not having the missiles.
The U.S. documents were obtained by the Archive through Freedom of Information Act and Mandatory Declassification Review requests to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and the U.S. Department of State. The Soviet documents came to the Archive courtesy of top Gorbachev aide Anatoly Sergeyevich Chernyaev, who has donated his diary and notes of Politburo and other Gorbachev discussions to the Archive, and from the Volkogonov collection of the U.S. Library of Congress.



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