Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 17. november 2006 / Timeline November 17, 2006

Version 3.5

16. November 2006, 18. November 2006

The 7th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates
The 7th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates took place in Rome from November 17 to 19 and was held, as were previous Summits, on the initiative of Mikhail Gorbachev and the Mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni.
The ceremony of the acknowledgement of Man of Peace 2006 took place before the opening of the Summit. It was awarded to Peter Gabriel.
Those taking part in the Summit were: Frederik Willem De Klerk, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Lech Walesa, Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, International Peace Bureau, United Nations Organization, United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations Children’s Fund, International Labour Organization, Mèdecins sans Frontières, American Friends Service Committee, Red Cross, International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Pugwash Conference. Guests of honour were: Mayor of Hiroshima and President of the World’s Mayors for Peace Tadatoshi Akiba, Nobel Laureate for Medicine Rita Levi Montalcini, Man of Peace 2006 Peter Gabriel, Representative of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission Jayantha Dhanapala, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends and Greenhouse Crisis Foundation Jeremy Rifkin, Under-Secretary- General of the United Nations Nobuaki Tanaka and Under- Secretary-General of the United Nations Jose Antonio Ocampo.
Campidoglio, Rome, Italy
17-19 November, 2006
Rome Declaration:

Spanaway, WA (PRWeb) November 16, 2006 -- International charity, All As One, is hopeful that the upcoming Warner Bros. film, "Blood Diamond," will raise awareness about the decade-long war in Sierra Leone and the children who are still suffering its effects. One supporter of the cause will be auctioning his diamond ring from a broken engagement, and donating the proceeds to All As One, in an effort to shine a light on the continuing issue of "conflict" diamonds, while benefiting the children of Sierra Leone in the process.
The civil war in Sierra Leone, funded by corruption and the "blood" diamond trade, was devastating to the people and economy of the country. Though the conflict ended in 2002, it is the children who are still suffering the most. Operating by donations from individuals across the world, All As One's Children's Center in Freetown provides shelter, food, clothes, education, and medical care for orphaned and destitute children, who would otherwise be living on the streets.
Deanna Wallace, a resident of Washington and founder of All As One, is a mother of twelve -- ten of whom came to her through adoption, both internationally and domestically. She says, "In Sierra Leone's past, orphans were raised by their extended families. But the war has ravaged the country, destroyed villages, and left Sierra Leone's citizens in poverty. The government simply does not have the resources to begin implementing child welfare programs or orphanages."
According to UNICEF, Sierra Leone has a staggering 340,000 orphans. While the number of orphans has decreased significantly in Asia and Latin America since the 1990s, the number in sub-Saharan Africa has increased by more than 50%. Complicated adoption procedures and restrictions, many imposed by the US government, make the need for organizations like All As One even greater. "For many of these children, this is the first, and possibly the only, home they will have," Wallace says. "But they are thriving at the Children's Center -- here, they have a chance to learn, play, and just be kids."
The eBay auction will run from December 5-15, to coincide with the December 8 release of the film, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Connelly. Wallace hopes the film and the auction will bring needed attention and support to a country much of the world has forgotten.
For additional information about All As One or the upcoming auction, contact Jen Brauer or visit . Photos are available upon request.
About All As One:
All As One is an international charity and non-governmental organization in Sierra Leone, whose US office is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and whose Dubai office is a registered nonprofit organization licensed through Dubai Aid and Humanitarian City. Through their orphanage, school and medical clinic in Freetown, they work to build a better future for the children of Sierra Leone.
Jen Brauer, Public Relations/Media Contact, US 513-923-3632

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