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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 18 Marts 2006 / Time Line March 18, 2006

Version 3.5

17. Mars 2006, 19. Mars 2006

Anti-war march and protest outside USA embassy in Wellington New Zealand. 18th March 2006.

Canadians say war resisters welcome here
Thousands rally to mark the 3^rd anniversary of the US genocidal war on Iraq. Among those featured: US Army Sgt. Patrick Hart, a war resister now living in Toronto: The truth is out...Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11." Jeffry House, Toronto-based war resisters attorney: When a war violates international law, soldiers should be allowed to seek and obtain refuge from that war. Sid Lacombe, coordinator of the 140-group coalition Canadian Alliance for Peace: A large community across Canada supports war resisters in their effort to seek asylum from militarism. Ron Walther, a deserter from the Vietnam War and member of Resisters Support Campaign: "Resisters can expect housing, legal aid, and employment".



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