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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 3. maj 2006 / Time Line May 3, 2006

Version 3.0

2. Maj 2006, 4. Maj 2006

Nuclear Test Rehearsal in Nevada June 2
Cancel "Divine Strake" Detonation
The Department of Defense is planning to detonate a 700-ton bomb at the Nevada Test Site on June 2, 2006 as part of its research into the development of new nuclear weapons:
U.S. Military spokesman James Tegnelia, quoted in the press, said, "I don't want to sound glib here, but it is the first time in Nevada that you'll see a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas since we stopped testing nuclear weapons." He further claimed that "this is the largest single explosive that we could imagine." Read more and take action now:
*Work on this Issue*
Join the Peace Issue Working Group and work to prevent a new generation of downwinders. For more information:
To join:
*International Day of Action*
The "Stop Divine Strake Coalition" invites anti-nuclear activists to gather at the Nevada Test Site on May 28 for an "International Day of Action." To learn more:
Charles Coleman, Jr. of California's 28th CD Receives PDA's Endorsement Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles and PDA nationally have endorsed Charles Coleman Jr. in the Democratic primary for California's 28th Congressional District. He is opposing incumbent Rep. Howard Berman (D-Van Nuys).
Coleman was adamantly opposed to the Iraq invasion and believes we need to withdraw our troops from that country immediately. These positions are opposite those of Berman. In fact, after three years of silence, Berman just released a position paper on Iraq, stating that his vote to authorize Bush's pre-emptive strike was a mistake. However, Berman believes our troops should remain in Iraq until victory is achieved. Coleman believes there will be no victory; things will only get worse in Iraq, and it is high time our leaders factor in the desires of Iraqis and the vast majority of the American people, including most of our military (72% according to a February Zogby poll), who would like our troops withdrawn. Read more:



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