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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 21. Juli 2006 / Time Line July 21, 2006

Version 3.5

20. Juli 2006, 22. Juli 2006

Peace Issues In the News
By: Christy Snider

Peace movement gets off to hopeful start in Beirut
Daily Star - Lebanon, Lebanon - 23 hours ago - BERUT: The capital saw its first anti-war rally Thursday morning. Lil Hayat (For Life), a gathering of 40 voluntary organizations and NGOs, made the call. The 300-odd demonstrators marched from UN House (headquarters of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia) to the Saifi headquarters of the European Commission. There, organizers read a letter to EU envoy Patrick Renauld calling on the EU to press Israel for an immediate cease-fire.

Peace movement urges cease-fire
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY - 21 hours ago - A dovish Jewish group urged the U.S. government to call for a Mideast cease-fire and the release of three kidnapped Israeli soldiers.

The Peace Movement's Challenges in the Midterm Elections
Political Affairs Magazine, NY - Jul 16, 2006 - Report to the National Committee of the Communist Party June 24, 2006.
A change in the composition of the congress will make it more possible to end the occupation in Iraq. That's the political reality. Today I will not discuss the next national initiatives of the peace movement, nor assess the tremendous 350,000-person national demonstration on April 29, 2006 organized to mobilize the majority peace sentiments toward the 2006 midterm elections. I also will not get into the details of the upcoming national peace conferences or the work to organize joint actions between the peace and immigrants rights movements. I will discuss two points we, the Party and Left, need to address in the next months: 1) the need for an active, vibrant peace movement in the lead up to Election Day, and 2) Party District and Club initiatives to strengthen the impact of the peace movement in defeating the right in November.

Young Peace Activists Hone Their Strategy
Voice of America - 6 hours ago - The Iraq War often seems to be one of numbers: $320-billion spent, more than 2500 US troops killed and over 18,000 wounded. Iraqi civilian deaths are estimated from 5000 to well over 10,000. And the mounting cost of the war has energized the peace movement in the United States. As with an earlier conflict - Vietnam - it's led by young people and veterans of the war.

On the 2006 World Conference against A & H Bombs
Political Affairs Magazine, NY - 5 hours ago - The following is an Akahata interview with Taka Hiroshi, Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo) secretary general. He discussed the significance of the 2006 World Conference against A & H Bombs to be held on August 2-9 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Democrats Versus the Peace Movement?
Mother Jones, CA - Jul 12, 2006- With Congress still blindly heeding the Bush administration, the anti-war movement is the only hope for peace in Iraq.

Peace Action focuses on November elections
People's Weekly World - 21 hours ago - DETROIT - Peace Action, the nation's largest grassroots peace organization, held its National Congress here July 14-15 and November's elections were a topic throughout.

'Non-violence alone can end Middle-East conflict'
News Today, India - Jul 18, 2006 - 'The international press gives undue importance to the travails and pain with regard to the Arab-Israeli conflict rather than highlighting the peace movement in the region, ' said Professor David Shulman of the Department of Indian and Armenian Studies of Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

"Syracuse Jews for Peace" hold vigil
News 10 Now, NY - Jul 19, 2006 - Drivers honked in support of Syracuse Jews for Peace, a local group calling for a ceasefire in the Middle East.

Norma Becker, 76, fought for peace and civil rights
The Villager, NY - Jul 6, 2006 - Norma Becker, teacher, civil rights activist and prominent figure of the peace movement during the Vietnam War, died of lung cancer in her New York City home on June 17. She was 76.

A Hopeful Sign: The Religious Left is Back
Tikkun, CA - Jul 10, 2006- When 1,200 people packed All Souls Unitarian Church
in Washington, D.C. in May for the East Coast launching of the Network of Spiritual Progressives
(NSP), they gave renewed signs that something powerful is indeed happening.
Dr. Christy Snider
Department of History
Berry College
Mt.Berry, GA 30149



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