Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 2. februar
2006 / Time Line February 2, 2006
Version 3.5
1. Februar 2006, 3. Februar 2006
Feb. 2-3 International Atomic Energy Agency board of governors
holds an emergency meeting to consider referring Iran's nuclear
program to the U.N. Security Council. Vienna, Austria.
Source: Reprinted from the Nuclear Calendar, published by
the Friends Committee on National Legislation and the FCNL
Education Fund.
Chemical weapons found at Schofield Barracks
By: Gina Mangieri
First at sea, now on land. KHON2 reveals chemical weapons on base
at Schofield Barracks. Nearly 150 suspect munitions were found
during preparation for the Stryker Brigade. Our series "Buried at
Sea" chronicled decades-old dumping of chemical weapons in the
ocean. But what's right here on land has already caused injury, and
shipping it away isn't an option.
Chemical weapons are on Oahu -- found at Schofield Barracks while
readying the base for the Stryker Brigade.
The Army is calling them "suspect" rounds. Witnesses and disposal
experts say they contain a choking agent called phosgene, the
blistering chemical mustard, and a tear gas called chloropicrin.
They're in rounds ranging from 75 to 155 millimeters, plus mortars
and projectors.
'Buried at Sea' -- A KHON2 Special Report
Links to all reports in a series about chemical weapons dumped at
sea off Hawaii's shores:
Pentagon reports to lawmakers on weapons at sea
By: Gina Mangieri
Nuclear Brief February 2, 2006
Pentagon Cancels Controversial Nuclear Doctrine
Pentagon cancels controversial nuclear documents
The Pentagon has formally cancelled a controversial revision of Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations after the doctrine was exposed last year in an article in Arms Control Today in September 2005 and the Washington Post. The revised draft included for the first time descriptions of preemptive use of US nuclear weapons, and caused the Senate Armed Services Committee to ask for a briefing, and 16 lawmakers to protest to President Bush. / Pentagon har formelt annulleret en kontroversiel revision af doktrinen for fælles nukleare operationer efter doktrinen blev afsløret sidste år i en artikel i Arms Control Today i september 2005 og Washington Post. Det reviderede udkast indeholdt for første gang beskrivelser af forebyggende brug af amerikanske atomvåben, og forårsagede Senatets Armed Services Committee til at bede om en orientering, og 16 lovgiverne til at protestere til præsident Bush.
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