Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 10. August 2006 / Timeline August 10, 2006

Version 3.5

9. August 2006, 11. August 2006

Fredsaktivister arresteret ved lufthavnen Prestwick
Af Coilín ÓhAiseadha
Fem fredsaktivister blev natten til mandag arresteret ved den civile lufthavn Prestwick i Skotland, efter de var gået ombord på et amerikansk militærfly for at lede efter beviser på, at det amerikanske militær anvender lufthavnen til at transportere bomber til Israel. De fem er Ludwig Appeltans fra Belgien, Richard McKean, Joe McLoughlin og Pippa Robertson fra Skotland og Anna-Linnéa Rundberg fra Ålandøerne i Finland.
Otte mennesker var allerede blevet arresteret efter tre aktivister natten til søndag var gået ombord på et lignende amerikansk militærfly ved samme lufthavn.
Den skotske gruppe Trident Ploughshares påstår, at i alt 17 personer er blevet arresteret i løbet af de sidste dage i forbindelse med deres "våbeninspektioner" ved lufthavnen Prestwick.
Læs rapporter nedenfor.
Sikkerheden ved den skotske lufthavn Prestwick er åbenbart lige så dårlig som den er ved lufthavnen Shannon i Vestirland, hvor fem aktivister blev arresteret natten til den 3. februar 2003, efter de havde banket på et amerikansk militærfly med en hammer og en ryddehakke.
Disse fem blev den 25. juli i år frikendt efter nødretsprincippet, da juryen var overbevist om, at de handlede for at beskytte menneskeliv i Irak.
De fem handlede blot fem dage efter, at en irsk kvinde havde banket med en økse på samme fly ved samme lufthavn. Hun blev også i sidste ende løsladt, da juryen var uenig om, hvorvidt hun skulle frikendes eller ej.
Plovjernsaktivisten Ciaron O'Reilly planlægger nu yderligere ikkevoldelige indgreb ved lufthavnen Shannon, hvis den irske regering ikke sætter en stopper for mellemlandinger af civile fly, som transporterer amerikanske tropper til og fra Irak.
Press Releases & Updates 2006
8th August 2006
Third Strike for Prestwick as Weapons Inspectors Again Gain Access to US Military Plane
Hot on the heels of three Trident Ploughshares Weapons Detectives getting into a US Air Force plane on Monday, another team, also searching for evidence of War Crimes, got into another US military plane at Prestwick in the early hours of this morning.
Five arrested over latest airport security breech
Aug 8, 2006, 7:48 GMT
Five people have been arrested after anti-war protestors boarded a US military plane at Prestwick airport, according to press reports.
In the third breech of security at the Scottish airport in just four days, the campaign group Trident Ploughshares claimed that a group of its activists boarded a US Air National Guard plane at Prestwick in the early hours of this morning.
Frikendt for at smadre militærfly

Israel, North, direct action against the war in Lebanon
Antiauthoritarian anticapitalist direct action initiative made its point to day. It was mentioned by the main radio news channel, it was also in electronic media.
Pictures from Direct action against the war, Ramat David Israeli Air Forces base, 8/8/06,
Israel at - Hebrew article at and also,7340,L-3288042,00.html
as translated below: PROTEST - Jonathan Polak: "This is a war of choice"...
12 activists of the left were arrested in demonstration in front of the air force base. About 25 activists stood this morning (Tuesday) in front the Ramat David base carrying placards on which was written: "stop killing of civilians", "stop the war crimes". They called for immediate cease fire and releasing all the prisoners and war prisoners.
They were confronted by police and 12 were arrested. Hagay Matar: "from this base fly daily pilots who murder innocent citizens. Instead of arresting the war criminals, the police decided to transform us to criminals" [Hagai with 4 others were sentenced to more than two years in prison and served it till about a year ago for refusing to serve the mandatory 3 years of in the Israeli army nearly all 18 years olds are subject to.]
The demonstration was without permit, and police force who came from the near by town Migdal Haemek police station arrested 12 of the demonstrators who confronted them on the suspicion of disturbing the public order, obstructing traffic, and unlawful demonstration.
One of the arrested demonstration - Jonathan Polak, who was arrested too during that activity told YNET that the the demo near the air force base is because: "this base is responsible for war crimes - airplanes that take of this base drop bombs on civilians." He added "according to law we must stop these war crime - otherwise we will be regarded as accomplices to these crimes". He added that the war in Lebanon is a war of choice that must be stopped. "This is a war of choice that have no connection to the kidnapped soldiers or the efforts to release them' this war is part of the efforts to redesign the middle East.
Hagai Matar, activist of the comity against war crimes who demonstrated too, said: "We came to block the war crimes initiated daily from this place by pilots who murder innocent citizens and destroy infrastructure. We totally object to inflicting harm to citizens of both sides. The Israeli army go to war that also harm us - the Israeli society". About the arrest Matar said: " we lied down on the road and blocked the entrance to the base. When the police came we told them to arrest the war criminals, but they chose to transform us to criminals and arrested us". The police informed that the suspects will be interrogated and will be brought to court for extension of the arrest period.


CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
The Boeing Company, Anaheim, Calif., is being awarded a $13,700,192 modification under previously awarded cost-plus-incentive-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (N00030-05-C-0063) to definitize a letter contract previously announced in the amount of $10,648,500. The definitized value is $14,022,238 for TRIDENT II (D5) Subsystem Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG) and Fiber Optic Gyro Navigator (FOGN) design investigations. The contract includes additional work for FOG and FOGN requirement specification studies and test capability development in the amount of 10,326,454 which increases the cumulative contract value to $24,348,692. Work will be performed in Anaheim, Calif., and is expected to be completed by August 2007. Contract funds will not expire by the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured. The Navy's Strategic Systems Programs, Arlington, Va., is the contracting activity (Mod No. PZ0001).


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