Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 26. september 2005 / Timeline September 26, 2005

Version 3.5

25. September 2005, 27. September 2005

Civil Resistance at the White House
By David Swanson
I got to the White House around noon and found hundreds of people gathered awaiting the arrival of marchers who planned to get themselves arrested protesting the war.
I ran into Mike Ferner of Veterans for Peace, who showed me the paperwork from his arrest early this morning at the Pentagon. He said he'd been one of 41 people arrested between 6:30 and nearly 7:30 a.m. at the Pentagon. Three Veterans for Peace members had joined others from the War Resisters League. They'd shut down an entrance and the Pentagon Metro stop. They were swiftly booked and released, charged with "disobeying a lawful order" and given court dates in federal district court in Alexandria in January...

Oldest reservist refuser organization accused of treason
"It's about the moral standards of the state of Israel" we hear veteran Yesh Gvul activist Yoav Haas defend his organization's campaign on TV talk shows. "When the Supreme Court hesitates to deal with war crimes then the only way left is to turn to international courts."
The accusations of "treason" are again in the air. After all, it's not nothing, to make a retired general of the Israeli army escape from London, in order to avoid interrogation over war crimes.
The war crime discussion began to be an issue in the Israel discours in January 2002, after a public debate organized by Gush Shalom ( full transcript at ). Following the highly-publicized seminar Gush Shalom started writing warning letters to officers who admitted to (somes boasted of) violations of the Geneva Convention. This led later that year to a government-orchestrated hate campaign against the peace group.
Meanwhile, Yesh Gvul took up the baton and did the decisive next step, actually bringing charges - first to the Israeli Supreme Court, and now to a British court. Read more
In this context next article is a must read; therefore we translated it:
Voices of the soldiers
By Yonathan Geffen
Ma'ariv, 23/9/2005
(...) After hearing these voices from the ground, you can't help thinking that there might be something to issuing an arrest warrant in London against an Israeli general accused of war crimes during the present Intifada.
Translation of Ma'ariv article at
Full text of the testimonies about which Geffen writes:
..and don't forget the COs
Israeli media have almost completely lost interest in the refusal of young Israelis to serve the occupation. Instead, journalists concentrated on the vocal extreme-right threat to organize ”more than ten thousand soldiers” refusing to take part in the evacuation of the Gaza Strip settlements – a threat which in the event evaporated almost without a trace.
But with or without media coverage, principled youngsters continue to follow the dictates of their conscience. The latest of them, 18-year old Uri Nathan – a member of the Shministim group – has gotten his call-up order. Wednesday, Sept 28 he has to show up at the Tel-Hashomer Induction Center. He is going to announce there his refusal to join an army of occupation and presumably go immediately to prison. Supporters will follow him up to the gate.



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