Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 25. Oktober
2005 / Time Line October 25, 2005
Version 3.5
24. Oktober 2005, 26. Oktober 2005
An invitation to the public during the Bulletin's 60th
In recognition of this historic milestone year, the Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists is convening public forums in several U.S. cities
to address contemporary issues and ideas at the forefront of global
security and sustainability. We invite you to participate in this
series of discussions about some of the most compelling issues of
our time.
These programs bring together some of the most influential and
innovative thinkers working at the intersection of global security,
public policy and science. Participants include former U.S.
Presidential cabinet members, current and former U.S. Senators,
Nobel laureates, prize-winning authors, prominent academics, and
other experts who will discuss lessons learned from the past, and
potential solutions to the critical problems facing humanity today.
The Bulletin’s Doomsday Clock, the world’s most
recognizable symbol of global catastrophe, will be on display.
These public programs are complimentary for all Bulletin
subscribers and supporters. We hope you will join us.
Events currently planned are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2005
4:00- 6:00 PM
Topic: "The Responsibilities of Scientists in a Changing World"
Location: New York, NY
The Rotunda of Low Memorial Library at Columbia University
116th Street and Broadway
Participants: Mr. Ellis Rubinstein (Moderator)
President and CEO, New York Academy of Sciences and former Editor
of Science magazine
Dr. Christopher Chyba
Professor of Astrophysical Sciences and International Affairs at
the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University.
Dr. Roald Hoffmann
Nobel prize-winning chemist and Frank H. T. Rhodes Professor of
Humane Letters at Cornell University. Author and poet. Dr. Jeffrey
Director, Earth Institute at Columbia University, Director of the
United Nations Millennium Project, Author.
Dr. Maxine Singer
Former President of the Carnegie Institution, Scientist Emeritus
the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of
Co-sponsored by Columbia University and the New York Academy of
U.S. drops nuclear 'bunker-buster' plans
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration has abandoned research
into a nuclear "bunker-buster" warhead, deciding instead to pursue
a similar device using conventional weaponry, a key Republican
senator said Tuesday.
Sen. Pete Domenici of New Mexico said funding for the nuclear
bunker-buster as part of the Energy Department's fiscal 2006 budget
has been dropped at the department's request.
Irsk retssag mod frivillige
Af Coilín ÓhAiseadha, 25. oktober 2005
Retssagen mod en gruppe frivillige våbeninspektører,
der i februar 2003 foretog en afvæbningsaktion mod et
amerikansk krigsfly ved lufthavnen Shannon i Vestirland, begyndte i
Dublin mandag den 24. oktober. Forsvaret går ud på, at
gruppen handlede for at forsvare andre.
De fem handlekraftige fredsfolk opdagede flyet ved en uanmeldt
inspektion på et tidspunkt, hvor den irske regering
angiveligt ikke var klar over, at USA anvendte lufthavnen som
stoppested for krigsfly på vej til Mellemøsten. Det
var først efter de frivillige våbeninspektører
havde opdaget og afvæbnet flyet, at regeringen erkendte, at
de amerikanske styrker anvendte lufthavnen i forbindelse med
forberedelserne på at invadere Irak.
Det har siden vist sig, at stort set alle amerikanske tropper
på vej til og fra Irak lander midlertidigt ved lufthavnen
Shannon. Tal fra det irske udenrigsministerium viser, at 158.549
amerikanske tropper landede ved Shannon i 2004. Det drejede sig om
i alt 1.502 tilfælde, hvor amerikanske fly landede ved
Shannon med bevæbnede tropper ombord. Det vurderes, at ca.
25.000 amerikanske tropper lander midlertidigt ved lufthavnen i
Vestirland hver måned.
Det sker selv om den irske konstitution forpligter til den
fredelige konfliktløsning og at et overvældende
flertal af befolkningen er og hele tiden har været
stærkt kritisk over for krigen i Irak.
Afvæbningen blev foretaget med en økse og almindelige
hamre. Ingen mennesker blev angrebet. De fem autonome
våbeninspektører overgav sig til politiet efter
Det angrebne fly var derimod så alvorligt skadet, at det ikke
kunne fortsætte med rejsen, men blev bragt tilbage til USA
til reparation.
De to mandlige og tre kvindelige våbeninspektører,
Damien Moran (irer), Ciaron O'Reilly (australier/irer), Nuin Dunlop
(amerikaner), Karen Fallon (skotte) og Deirdre Clancy (irer), er
medlemmer af en religiøs gruppe, der kalder sig "Pitstop
Ploughshares". Navnet kommer fra det Gamle Testamente, hvor der i
Esajas 2:4 står:
"Da dømmer han Folk imellem, skifter Ret mellem talrige
Folkeslag; deres Sværd skal de smede til Plovjern, deres Spyd
til Vingårdsknive; Folk skal ej løfte Sværd mod
Folk, ej øve sig i Våbenfærd mer."
(Gad vide, hvad Jesper Langballe ville synes om det?)
Gruppen har tilknytning til den katolske arbejderbevægelse,
som blev stiftet i USA i 1993 med henblik på bl.a. at
bekæmpe krig og racisme og at hjælpe de
hjemløse. Damien Moran og Ciaron O'Reilly arbejder med de
hjemløse i Dublin.
Læs venligst nedenstående artikel om sagens 2. dag og
følg med derefter på
Støt det irske våbeninspektionshold!
Gruppen har akut behov for økonomisk støtte. De vil
godt anvende deres egne midler til at betale vidnernes udgifter,
men tager gerne mod vores bidrag.
Det vil koste ca. EUR 5.000 eller 37.000 kr. at bringe vidner som
Jimmy Massey, Dennis Halliday, Geoff Oxley og Kathy Kelly fra USA
eller Storbritannien. Da den slags ikkevoldelig aktion udgør
et væsentligt led i udviklingen af en
verdensomspændende våbeninspektions- og
afvæbningsstyrke, uafhængig af nationale interesser,
har jeg selv bidraget med EUR 100.
Jeg sender gerne støtteerklæringer videre til et
medlem af gruppen.
Plane-damage protestors 'acting in defence of others'
The five anti-war protestors accused of criminally damaging a
United States naval aeroplane will say they acted in defence of
others, a Dublin Circuit Criminal Court jury has heard.
The implements used to damage the plane were engraved with Celtic
symbols and slogans such as: "If they come for the innocent without
stepping over your body, cursed be your religion and your life",
"The war ends here" and "Put a stop to genocidal war".
Mr Conor Devally SC, prosecuting, said, in opening the case that
there was "no huge issue" on the facts of the case but rather
whether the five felt they had "lawful excuse".
All accused have pleaded not guilty to two counts each of causing
damage without lawful excuse to a naval plane, property of the
United States government, and to glass door panels, property of Aer
Rianta, at Shannon Airport on February 3, 2003.
The jury heard that the plane was a C40 or 737 aeroplane, which
could convey cargo and personnel, and had earlier arrived at
Shannon from Fort Worth in Texas.
The five accused are Damien Moran and Ciaron O'Reilly, both living
on South Circular Road, Rialto, Dublin, and working with homeless
people; Nuin Dunlop, a US citizen and counsellor living on
Walkinstown Road, Dublin 12; Karen Fallon, a Scottish marine
biologist living on South Circular Road, Rialto; and Deirdre
Clancy, a copy editor from Castle Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin.
Sergeant Michael O'Connell told Mr Devally that he was on security
duty at a maintenance hangar in Shannon Airport, which housed the
US Navy aircraft.
At around 3.45am he heard glass break and then saw five people, one
with a large axe and the others with hammers, enter the hangar. He
ran towards them and shouted: "Stop."
Sgt O'Connell said he held his arms out but the five ran around him
to the plane. He "pleaded with them to stop" and called Shannon
Garda Station for urgent assistance.
Sgt O'Connell said he was "terrorised by their appearance" and
heard them say words that might have included "God".
Ciaran O'Reilly was "belting an axe into the front nose cone of the
plane" as Damien Moran hit the side engine cover with a hammer.
The three women were at the back of the plane hitting the exhaust
pipe and an image of the Texas flag with three lump hammers as well
as an inflatable tricolour hammer.
Sgt O'Connell said he struggled with both men ...
CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Lockheed Martin Corp., Syracuse, N.Y., is being awarded a
$14,935,830 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price
contract (M67854-04-C-2012) to procure additional AN/TPS-59(V)3 Row
Electronics radars. The AN/TPS-59(V)3 radar is a fielded
state-of-the art technology for long range, three dimensional, low
radar cross-section surveillance and tracking; missions include
both airspace management and theater ballistic missile defense. The
59 Radar will be maintained through 2011 until the Highly
Expeditionary Long Range Air Surveillance Radar (HELRASR) is
developed and fielded. Work will be performed Syracuse, N.Y., and
work is expected to be completed January 2007. Contract funds will
not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Marine Corps
Systems Command, Quantico, Md., is the contracting activity.
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