Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 10. Oktober 2005 / Time Line October 10, 2005

Version 3.5

9. Oktober 2005, 11. Oktober 2005

Archive and Openness Advocates Urge Supreme Court: Tell Lower Courts to Scrutinize Government Secrecy Claims
Amicus Brief Requests Review of Dismissal of Whistle Blower Case
Washington D.C. October 10, 2005 - The National Security Archive, along with other openness advocates, today filed a "friend of the court" brief with the United States Supreme Court asking the Court to review the summary dismissal, on secrecy grounds, of a lawsuit filed by an FBI whistleblower.
The Archive's General Counsel Meredith Fuchs explained: "Potential whistleblowers who work in military, intelligence and law enforcement agencies will almost always come into contact with classified information. The problem is that courts today simply are accepting the government claims that the need for secrecy of such information outweighs strong interests, including constitutional interests, in addressing the claims in the lawsuits. We are asking courts to take a harder look." In the case of Sibel Edmonds, the contract linguist who sought to blow the whistle on improprieties in the FBI's translation unit, there are facts that support her claims of wrongdoing, including a Department of Justice Office of Inspector General Report that concludes that Ms. Edmonds' whistleblowing was "the most significant factor" in her termination.
Amici argue that secrecy does not always serve the goal of protecting national security, as the numerous investigations into the September 11 attacks on the United States all concluded. Noting that there has been an upsurge in secrecy over the last four years -- and that military and intelligence officials ranging from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to now-Director of the CIA Porter Goss all admit that a significant amount of the secrecy is unnecessary -- the brief argues that the judiciary must provide a meaningful review of government claims for secrecy.
In addition to the Archive, the brief was filed on behalf of the Project on Government Secrecy of the Federation of American Scientists, the National Whistleblower Coalition, the Project on Government Oversight, Public Citizen, Inc., The Government Accountability Project, The National Freedom of Information Coalition, American Library Association, the National Air Disaster Alliance, and September 11th Advocates.

Sagsanlæg mod Statsministeren for grundlovsbrud ved Danmarks deltagelse i angrebskrigen mod Irak
I morgen tirsdag den 11. oktober 2005 kl. 14 indleverer en gruppe danske borgere til Østre Landsret, Justitskontoret, Fredericiagade 26, København, en stævning mod statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen for brud på Grundloven ved Danmarks deltagelse i angrebskrigen, der er baseret på 61 folketingsmedlemmers beslutning af 21. marts 2003, under amerikansk kommando og uden FN-mandat.
Umiddelbart efter indleveringen af stævningen er der arrangeret et pressemøde, der finder sted kl. 15 i Restaurant Kongens Have, Kronprinsessegade 13, København K.
Statsministerens beslutning anses for at være i strid med grundlovens §19 som forudsætter at dansk militær deltagelse i angrebskrige sker med FN-mandat og efter alment accepteret international ret. Derudover anses beslutningen også for at være i strid med Grundlovens § 20, da den ikke respekterer kravet om 5/6-flertalsbeslutning ved overgivelse af suverænitet, idet de udsendte danske soldater kom under fremmed kommando. Om sagens indhold henvises i øvrigt til vedhæftede resumé fra stævningen side 71 – 75. Hele stævningen kan læses på Grundlovskomitéens hjemmeside ( fra tirsdag den 11. oktober kl. 14:00.
Sagsøgerne repræsenteres af advokaterne Christian Harlang og Bjørn Elmquist.




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