Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 14. november 2005 / Timeline November 14, 2005

Version 3.5

13. November 2005, 15. November 2005

IRAQ: UN Warns of Human Rights Violations in Iraq
Agence France-Presse
The United Nations warned of human rights violations by all sides in war-torn Iraq and expressed concern at the increasing number of people held on terrorist-related charges. The UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) also suggested that Iraqi police and special forces have little regard for human rights during security sweeps, while insurgents' bombing campaigns against civilians and mosques could spark inter-communal clashes. In its bi-monthly human rights report [links to Word document] covering the period from September 1 to October 31, UNAMI said that "large parts of Iraq continue to experience a general breakdown of law and order", adding that "hundreds of civilians have been killed and wounded as a result of terrorist at tacks, targeted assassinations and extra-judicial execution-style killings." "Massive security operations by the Iraqi police and special forces continue to disregard instructions announced in August 2005 by the minister of interior to safeguard individual guarantees during searches and detaining operations," the report said. "Repeated bombing campaigns by armed groups against civilians and mosques are increasing fears that community relations are descending into a pattern of fear, animosity and revenge." And "ongoing military operations, especially in western and northern parts of the country, continue to generate displacement and hardship for thousands of families and to have a devastating effect on the civilian population," the report said.

NATO’s generalsekretær Jaap de Hoop Scheffer besøger Danmark
Den 15. november besøger Jaap de Hoop Scheffer Danmark i forbindelse med NATO’s Parlamentariske Forsamlings plenarmøde i Falkoner Centret.
På mødet mellem generalsekretæren og forsvarsministeren vil hovedtemaet være den fortsatte udvikling og tilpasning af NATO samt NATO’s internationale engagement.



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