Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 4. Mars 2005 / Time Line March 4, 2005

Version 3.5

3. Mars 2005, 5. Mars 2005

UK reveals payments for Iraqi intelligence
By Christopher Adams
The Financial Times
The US paid Iraqi opposition leaders millions of dollars a year for intelligence on Saddam Hussein's regime that later proved flawed, according to official documents published by the British government.
A confidential paper, drawn up by the Foreign Office in July last year, said the Iraqi National Congress, led by Ahmed Chalabi, was "in receipt of approximately $4m per annum from the US government"...

Historical Records Mysteriously Disappear from Kew
Over 1,600 historical documents recently disappeared from the National Archives at Kew, England. The missing records include 12th century accounts from the court of Edward I, private papers for past prime ministers, and many more.
In an article that appears 27 February 2005, the London based Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported on how it obtained the alarming information through the British Freedom of Information Act. Speculation grows over the possibility of misfiled records or the deliberate removal during loans to government agencies. According to historian Andrew Roberts, while the number of papers lost was insignificant given the size of the archive, nevertheless, it is especially worrying that documents dating back to the Middle Ages had gone missing. According to Roberts, "This sort of primary source material is difficult to get hold of and there are not going to be any copies." Courtesy of the History News Network, you can access the article at:
writes NCH WASHINGTON UPDATE (Vol. 11, 9; 4 March 2005).



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