Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 12. Mars 2005 / Time Line March 12, 2005

Version 3.5

11. Mars 2005, 13. Mars 2005

Mahatma Gandhi starter salt-marchen 1930.

International health experts demand inquiry into number of Iraqi war casualties
By Rick Kelly
WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq
The British Medical Journal has published a statement issued by 23 public health and epidemiology experts condemning the US and British governments for their ongoing failure to monitor the number and rate of Iraqi war-related casualties.
Demanding that a comprehensive and independent inquiry be convened, the statement reads, “Monitoring casualties is a humanitarian imperative.” It continues, “Understanding the causes of death is a core public health responsibility, nationally and internationally. Yet neither the public, nor we as public health professionals, are able to obtain validated, reliable information about the extent of mortality and morbidity since the invasion of Iraq. We believe that the joint US-UK failure to make any effort to monitor Iraqi casualties is, from a public health perspective, wholly irresponsible.”
Ten British experts issued the statement, including Professor David Hunter, the chairman of the UK Public Health Association. Seven eminent American physicians and scientists also signed the document, as did three Australians, two Spaniards, and one Canadian...

American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 12, 2005 - The first shipment of Ford Ranger light tactical vehicles for the Afghan National Army recently arrived at the supply depot in Kabul, Afghanistan.
The delivery of 83 new 4x4 double-cab pickup trucks, produced by RM Asia in Bangkok, Thailand, was only the start of an anticipated total of 5,160 vehicles scheduled for delivery to the ANA over the next 18 months, officials said.
Shipped by U.S. Defense Transportation System carrier American President Lines, they will be distributed to the ANA to provide critical transportation for troops and cargo.



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