Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 10. Mars 2005 / Time Line March 10, 2005

Version 3.5

9. Mars 2005, 11. Mars 2005

Protesters are locked on to a 25 foot mock Trident nuclear submarine outside the Scottish parliament
Anti-Nuclear Protesters from across the country are locked on to a 25 foot mock Trident nuclear Submarine outside the Scottish Parliament today. They are raising awareness of the UK’s obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to get rid of Trident. There are 17 people inside the submarine locked on including a member of the Scottish Parliament Rosie Kane MSP. They began their protest at 10.15 this morning. A number of MEPs have come outside the parliament building to show their support. There have been no arrests as yet although the protests will not move until their Trident submarine has been dismantled – symbolising the dismantling of the real Trident subs.
The protesters are taking their message to the Scottish parliament because Westminster has refused to listen. On the 10th October 2004 the same submarine was outside Downing Street with protesters locked on. The British Government did not dismantle the submarine, just as it refuses to dismantle Trident. In Scotland 70% of people oppose Trident.
Mell Harrison who is taking part in the protest said,
“We’ve taken Trident to the Scottish Parliament to show how easy it could be to dismantle Trident. We’re staying here till they’ve dismantled the model of Trident, as long as it takes whether that’s days or weeks. Over 70% of Scottish people don’t want Trident so we’re staying here until they show us that they can dismantle Trident. We want the Scottish parliament to put more pressure on Westminster to say this has got to happen. With the NPT review coming up in May we feel that it is extremely important for the nuclear weapon states to disarm, so that other countries won’t feel they have to develop nuclear weapons, because they won’t feel threatened by ours. These weapons are illegal and immoral and we will continue to use direct action until our voices are listened to.”
Rosie Kane MSP (Scottish Socialist Party, Glasgow Region) who is locked on,
“70% of the Scottish public say they are opposed to nuclear weapons. As an elected representative I represent more people sitting on the street than I do sitting in a debating chamber. We’ve raised this issue many times with the Scottish executive. We’ve asked that they speak out in opposition to Trident. We have asked that they take power from Westminster over these weapons of mass destruction but their ears remain closed. The Scottish Socialist Party, the Scottish Green party and the Scottish National Party as well as independents in the parliament are opposed to Nuclear Weapons. We are all united in asking the executive to take action. You can join us on our protests here and in the future. You can ask Westminster to pass power to the Scottish Parliament. We can refuse to have nuclear weapons moved on our roads so their hands are not tied. If they’re not going to do anything then could they explain to the tax payers why we have no money for hospitals, public housing and schools, yet we have money for Weapons of Mass Destruction.”
Kate Hudson, Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament congratulated protesters,
“Trident is an illegal and immoral nuclear weapon of mass destruction and must be scrapped. Despite giving an “unequivocal undertaking to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals” in 2000 the UK government has made no progress towards disarmament. In fact in March 2002, Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said that the government reserved the right to use nuclear weapons even against non-nuclear weapon states. Such a policy is a breach of our legal obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty and highlights the nuclear hypocrisy of government policy. This year is the 60th anniversary of the nuclear bombs being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We must abolish these immoral and illegal weapons now.”
There are members of Trident Ploughshares, Scottish CND, National CND and Theatre of War taking part in the protest.

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Northrop Grumman/PRB Services Inc., Hollywood, Md., is being awarded a $7,001,799, modification to a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, cost-plus-fixed fee, performance-based contract (N65236-01-D-6813) to provide software development, systems engineering, configuration management for Tactical/Mobile variant, Tactical Support Center Communications Module (TCOMM), Unit Operational Command (UOC), Common Air Command and Control Systems (CAC2S), Global Command and Control System (GCCS), GCCS-Maritime (GCCS-M) and other Mobile and Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) required by Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Charleston, S.C. The cumulative value of this contract, including this modification, is $48,110,766. Work will be performed in Charleston, S.C. (50 percent) and Lexington Park, Md. (50 percent), and is expected to be completed by September 2005. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured through the E-Commerce web site, with one offer received. The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Charleston, S.C. is the contracting activity.
Raytheon Systems Co., Tucson, Ariz., is being awarded an $8,989,958 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-04-C-0006) to exercise an option for the procurement of AIM-9X Tactical Missiles for the U.S. Air Force (11), and the Government of Denmark (40); Captive Air Training Missiles for the U.S. Air Force (1); Sectionalization Spares for the Governments of Denmark (1) and Korea (1); and containers for the U.S. Air Force (4), and the Government of Denmark (10). This contract combines purchases of the U.S. Air Force ($1,447,110; 16.1 percent), and the Governments of Denmark ($7,027,931; 78.2 percent); and Korea ($514,917; 5.7 percent) under the Foreign Military Sales Program. Work will be performed in Tucson, Ariz., and is expected to be completed in April 2007. Contract funds in the amount of $340,283 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md. is the contracting activity.
The Boeing Co., Anaheim, Calif., is being awarded a $10,506,000 cost-plus award-fee contract modification to provide for Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T), Contract Change Proposal (CCP)-0011: ACTS (Security Chip) Handling procedures. This Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA) is issued to enhance physical protection and procedural changes in order to comply with ACTS handling guidance provided by the NSA. Because of delays in the completion of Crytographics Verification/Design Verification testing of Government Furnished Equipment ACTS cryptographic devices, the NSA has issued modified handling instructions to be implemented during development, integration and testing of the FAB-T modem processor group. This guidance mandates physical security and emanation protection of the test facility, and will limit contact of the test equipment to personnel with appropriate clearances. At this time, $5,253,000 of the funds have been obligated. This work will be complete by September 2008. The Headquarters Electronic Systems Center, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the contracting activity (F19628-02-C-0048, P00051).

Singapore, United States sign deal to deploy anti-terrorism equipment
AP Worldstream; Mar 10, 2005
Singapore and the United States signed an agreement Thursday to deploy equipment at the city-state's port to detect any hidden shipments of nuclear and other radioactive material, the Singapore government said.
The U.S.-Singapore agreement falls under a U.S. Department of Energy initiative to work with foreign governments to interdict illegal shipments of nuclear weapons materials.

Griffon Unit Acquires The Systems Engineering Group
Business Wire; Mar 09, 2005
Telephonics Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Griffon Corporation (NYSE: GFF), announced today that it has purchased The Systems Engineering Group (SEG), headquartered in Columbia, Maryland. SEG, with sales in excess of $8 million in 2004, will be operated as a wholly owned subsidiary of Telephonics Corporation and will remain within its existing facilities in Columbia, Maryland, Dahlgren, Virginia and Moorestown, New Jersey.
SEG's capabilities include radar systems analysis, antenna systems engineering, sonar analysis and processing, high fidelity threat missile modeling, analysis and simulation, tactical missile defense analysis, and federal aviation administration support. SEG's customer base includes amongst others: The United States Navy, The FAA, Johns Hopkins University - APL, Missile Defense Agency and the Veterans Administration.


On 8 March 2005, the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy reported that the number of national security secrets increased last year, from the evidence of 16 million classification decisions in 2004 versus 14 million in 2003. The figures show a rise in 75% since the Bush Administration took office in 2001. During recent Congressional testimony, William Leonard, Director of the Information Security Oversight Office, stated "Based upon information furnished our office, the total number of classification decisions increased from 9 million in FY 2001 to 11 million in FY 2002, 14 million in FY 2003 and 16 million in FY 2004." He cautioned, however, that the numbers reflect the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and American involvement in wars. Thanks to the Project on Government Secrecy, the text of Leonard's testimony and other related materials from the 2 March 2005 hearing are available online at: .
Source: NCH WASHINGTON UPDATE (Vol. 11, 10; 11 March 2005)



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