Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 24. maj 2005 / Time Line May 24, 2005

Version 3.0

23. Maj 2005, 25. Maj 2005

Kvindernes Internationale Freds- og Nedrustningsdag / May 24-International Women´s Day for Peace and Disarmament.
Grundlagt sommeren 1981 af 40 kvinder fra 11 europæiske lande.

Army Base Plagued By Illegals' Intrusions : Sensitive Arizona site used as passage to north
By Jerry Seper, The Washington Times
Fort Huachuca, a 150-square-mile U.S. Army base in Arizona just 20 miles north of the Mexican border, is home to the country's premier military intelligence school and, despite the sensitive nature of its assignment, has become a popular corridor for illegal migrants headed to America.
In addition to having the nation's premier military intelligence school, Fort Huachuca hosts several other key military training commands and units from the Homeland Security Department.



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