Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 10. maj 2005 / Time Line May 10, 2005

Version 3.0

9. Maj 2005, 11. Maj 2005

Public Access to Information about the Humanitarian Impact of Landmines
Office of the Spokesman, the U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC
The Survey Action Center, a non-governmental organization, today unveiled a first-of-its kind web-based research tool, the "LIS Explorer," funded by a $25,000 grant from the U.S. Department of State's Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, that enables decision makers and the general public to easily examine the results of Landmine Impact Surveys (LIS) in selected countries to better understand the scope of the problem and make more informed decisions.
The LIS Explorer contains extensive data on landmine and unexploded ordnance infestation and casualties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chad, northwestern Somalia ("Somaliland"), Thailand and Yemen. Data on Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Lebanon and northeastern Somalia will be added to it shortly.
Until the advent of the LIS Explorer, the locations of suspected mined areas, their relative impact on men, women, children and other demographic information, and degree to which the mines infested vital natural resources and infrastructure, were not accessible to the general public, nor readily available to government officials. Now, anyone with access to the Internet can use the LIS Explorer at to review the findings of comprehensive nationwide landmine impact surveys. These surveys have already revealed that over 80 per cent of landmines' social and economic harm is caused by less than 20 per cent of the world's minefields. With the help of the LIS Explorer, officials in the surveyed countries and foreign donors will be able to more effectively prioritize landmine clearance, refine mine risk education campaigns, and better direct health care and psycho-social assistance to landmine survivors.
The Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs currently manages humanitarian mine action programs in 22 countries around the world, encourages public-private partnerships to support mine action, and oversees efforts to reduce illegal trafficking and increase international safeguarding of small arms, light weapons and man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS). To learn more, visit
To learn more about the Survey Action Center, based in Takoma Park, Maryland, and its years of experience in conducting landmine and unexploded ordnance surveys worldwide, visit

Luis Posada Carriles: The Declassified Record
Washington, D.C., May 10, 2005 - Declassified CIA and FBI records posted today on the Web by the National Security Archive at George Washington University identify Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles, who is apparently in Florida seeking asylum, as a former CIA agent and as one of the "engineer[s]" of the 1976 terrorist bombing of Cubana Airlines flight 455 that killed 73 passengers.
The documents include a November 1976 FBI report on the bombing cited in yesterday's New York Times article "Case of Cuban Exile Could Test the U.S. Definition of Terrorist," CIA trace reports covering the Agency's recruitment of Posada in the 1960s, as well as the FBI intelligence reporting on the downing of the plane. The Archive also posted a second FBI report, dated one day after the bombing, in which a confidential source "all but admitted that Posada and [Orlando] Bosch had engineered the bombing of the airline." I n addition, the posting includes several documents relating to Bosch and his suspected role in the downing of the jetliner on October 6, 1976.
Follow the link below to read the documents and the full press release:



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