Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 7. Juni 2005 / Time Line June 7, 2005

Version 3.0

6. Juni 2005, 8. Juni 2005

International law: Grenada ratifies the CWC
The Hague, 7 June 2005
Grenada deposited its instrument of ratification to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) with the Secretary General of the United Nations on 3 June 2005. Grenada will become the 169th State Party to the Convention on 3 July 2005, thirty days after the deposit of its instrument of ratification.
Grenada's ratification of the CWC confirms the universal validity of this multilateral instrument, which bans the development, production, stockpiling, use or transfer of chemical weapons and enhances collective security through the verified elimination of an entire category of weapons of mass destruction, writes OPCW.

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Contracts, Tuesday, June 7, 2005
SYColeman Inc. of Washington, DC is being awarded an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract, with a potential maximum value of $100,000,000, for media approach planning, prototype product development, commercial quality product development, product distribution and dissemination, and media effects analysis for the Joint Psychological Operations Support element and other government agencies. The work will be performed CONUS and OCONUS and task orders may be issued from June 7, 2005 - June 6, 2010. This contract was awarded on a competitive basis pursuant to FAR 6.102. The contract number is H92222-05-D-1012.
Lincoln Group of Washington, DC is being awarded an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract, with a potential maximum value of $100,000,000, for media approach planning, prototype product development, commercial quality product development, product distribution and dissemination, and media effects analysis for the Joint Psychological Operations Support element and other government agencies. The work will be performed CONUS and OCONUS and task orders may be issued from June 7, 2005 - June 6, 2010. This contract was awarded on a competitive basis pursuant to FAR 6.102. The contract number is H92222-05-D-1010.
SAIC of Washington, DC is being awarded an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract, with a potential maximum value of $100,000,000, for media approach planning, prototype product development, commercial quality product development, product distribution and dissemination, and media effects analysis for the Joint Psychological Operations Support element and other government agencies. The work will be performed CONUS and OCONUS and task orders may be issued from June 7, 2005 - June 6, 2010. This contract was awarded on a competitive basis pursuant to FAR 6.102. The contract number is H92222-05-D-1011.
MPRI, Alexandria, Va., was awarded on June 6, 2005, an $18,717,634 firm-fixed-price contract for Staff Recruiter Services. Work will be performed at Fort Knox, Ky., and is expected to be completed by Jan. 6, 2006. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. There were two bids solicited on May 2, 2003, and two bids were received. The Army Contracting Agency, Fort Eustis, Va., is the contracting activity (DABJ01-03-F-0538).



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