Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 10. Juni 2005 / Time Line June 10, 2005

Version 3.0

9. Juni 2005, 11. Juni 2005

Byretssagen mod Ulla Røder og andre fredsaktivister for overtrædelse af straffelovens § 137, stk 2 ved 'i forening og efter forudgående aftale ved larm eller uorden at have forstyrret en offentlig samling i Folketinget' i forbindelse med tingets vedtagelse af beslutningsforslag om 'fortsat dansk bidrag til den multinationale sikringsstyrke i Irak' i november 2004, starter i Københavns Byret - Afdeling 37 - Rådhuspladsen i København.

Iraq Command Investigates Deaths
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, June 10, 2005 - Multinational Corps Iraq has opened a criminal investigation into two Task Force Liberty soldiers' deaths June 7 at Forward Operating Base Danger, near Tikrit, Iraq, officials in Iraq reported today.
Capt. Phillip T. Esposito and 1st Lt. Louis E. Allen were killed in what was thought to be an indirect-fire attack. Both officers were assigned to Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 42nd Infantry Division, New York Army National Guard. Esposito was company commander; Allen served as a company operations officer.
Military police and responders at first indicated that a mortar round had struck the window on the building where the two officers were located. However, explosive ordnance personnel determined the blast pattern at the scene was inconsistent with a mortar attack after further examination.



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