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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 29. Juli 2005 / Time Line July 29, 2005

Version 3.0

28. Juli 2005, 30. Juli 2005

DoD Announces Installation Realignment in Germany
The Department of Defense announced today plans for the return of eleven Army bases to Germany in fiscal 2007. Additionally, two other bases are identified for return to Germany in following years.
These installation returns are scheduled as part of plans for the 1st Infantry Division headquarter's return to the United States with its divisional flag in the summer of 2006. Additionally, the 1st Infantry Division's subordinate units, as well as selected V Corps and U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR) units, will return to the United States, inactivate entirely, convert, or be reassigned in Europe to support Army transformation in fiscal 2006.
As a result of these unit actions, certain installations will no longer be required to support Army missions. The Army plans to return the following installations to the host nation in fiscal 2007, after the fiscal 2006 unit actions are complete:

  1. Harvey Barracks, Kitzingen, Germany
  2. Kitzingen Family Housing, Kitzingen, Germany
  3. Kitzingen Training Area, Kitzingen, Germany
  4. Larson Barracks, Kitzingen, Germany
  5. Schwanberg DCS Site, Kitzingen, Germany
  6. Faulenberg Kaserne, Wuerzburg, Germany
  7. Wuerzburg Training Areas, Wuerzburg, Germany
  8. Giebelstadt Army Airfield, Giebelstadt, Germany
  9. Giebelstadt DYA Camp, Giebelstadt, Germany
  10. Giebelstadt Tactical Defense Facility, Giebelstadt, Germany
  11. Breitsol Communications Station, Wuerzburg, Germany

In addition, the Army will retain the following facilities until they are no longer needed and eventually return them at a date to be determined:

  1. Leighton Barracks, Wuerzburg, Germany
  2. Wuerzburg Hospital, Wuerzburg, Germany

The fiscal 2006 unit transformation actions and associated base closures will affect approximately 6,100 soldiers and 11,000 family members. In addition, approximately 1,000 department of Army civilian and 1,000 host nation positions will be affected.



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