Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 10. februar 2005 / Time Line February 10, 2005

Version 3.5

9. Februar 2005, 11. Februar 2005

DRC: Katanga militias agree to disarm
KINSHASA, 10 February (IRIN) - Leaders of two Mayi-Mayi militia groups in the southeastern province of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) agreed on Tuesday to disarm their combatants during a ceremonial destruction of weapons in the provincial capital, Lubumbashi.
"I am now ready to bring in 20,000 of my children [combatants] to be integrated into the national army," the head of the largest militia, Mbayo Mpiana Mwana Butot, known as Sobribet de Chinzachinza, told IRIN.
An estimated 30 percent of Chinzachinza's combatants are children.
Another militia leader who also attended the ceremony, Bakanda Baroka, controls an estimated 7,000 militiamen.
The weapons destroyed on Tuesday included 540 AK-47 rifles, one machine gun with a viewfinder, 156 grenades and 20 poison arrows.
The weapons were handed to a Congolese NGO, Paix et Reconciliation (PAREC). "In exchange, we provided 800 bikes," Pastor Ngoyi Mulunda, who runs PAREC, said.
However, he said, "There are still a lot of arms that haven't been recovered". Chinzachinza's militia is estimated to still hold 20,000 weapons.

American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, 2005 -- The Army is asking Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom veterans to volunteer for a new mission.
However, this time the mission is not overseas, but right in their own hometown as part of the Special Recruiter Assistance Program.
The Army wants OIF and OEF veterans to go to their local communities to talk about life in the military and their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. This, official say, is an effort to raise awareness about the military, while at the same time encouraging young adults to join the Army...

All NATO Allies to Join Iraq Training Mission by Feb. 22
By John D. Banusiewicz
American Forces Press Service
NICE, France, Feb. 10, 2005 - All NATO allies will be part of the alliance's mission of training Iraqi forces by the time the alliance's heads of state converge for a major summit meeting Feb. 22, Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said here today.
He spoke at a news conference during informal meetings of NATO defense ministers that began Feb. 9 and conclude today.
Scheffer said that by the time the summit begins, all 26 NATO nations would be conducting training inside or outside Iraq, or contributing money to the training mission's trust fund. The secretary-general took a bottom-line approach when asked if France would participate as a member of the alliance or through bilateral arrangements.
"Who does what, exactly - and we know there are allies training inside and there are allies training outside Iraq - is, I must say, not of great concern to me," Scheffer said. All 26 nations have supported the mission politically, he added.
NATO's transformation agenda was a key topic of discussion, the secretary-general said. "We looked at how to ensure deeper consultation on possible troop operations to ensure the broadest possible political support for those operations," he said. "We discussed establishing a longer-term and more comprehensive approach to force iteration to ensure more predictability in what forces are available when we need them. And if we need them, the forces we have available should be ... usable forces - forces we can really need in our operations."...



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