Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 10. december 2005 / Time Line December 10, 2005

Version 3.5

9. December 2005, 11. December 2005

FNs menneskerettighedsdag.

Saturday, 10 December 2005
80 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PE
10am - 8pm
With delegates including Tony Benn, Cindy Sheehan, Jawad al Khalissi and many others from Iraq, USA & UK
The grave threat to international peace posed by the invasion and continued occupation of Iraq is now clear for all to see. The people of Iraq and the citizens of Britain and America have time and again insisted that they are opposed to war and occupation. We believe it is now time for representatives of those people to meet together face to face, to renew our bonds of solidarity and to express our joint opposition to war.
To that end a broad and representative conference attended by a delegation of Iraqis drawn from all those sections of society rejecting the US and British occupation will meet in London on 10th December 2005.
We call on all peace campaigners, trade unionists, the congregations of all faiths, non-governmental organisations, progressive campaigns, community organisations and political parties to send delegates to this conference. We the undersigned call on the real representatives of the people of Britain, the United States and Iraq to join us in London and to issue a call for peace that will echo around the world.
Tony Benn
Clare Short MP
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Alan Simpson MP
Caroline Lucas MEP
Adam Price MP
John Pilger
Tommy Sheridan, MSP
Colin Fox MSP
Billy Hayes, General Secretary CWU
Hans von Sponeck, former UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq
Denis Halliday, former UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq
George Galloway MP
Rose Gentle, Military Families Against the War | Lindsey German, Convenor, Stop the War Coalition
Kate Hudson, Chair, CND | Paul Mackney, General Secretary NATFHE
Tariq Ali
Andrew Murray, Chair, Stop the War Coalition
John Rees, Vice President Europe, The Cairo Conference | Sami Ramadani, Iraqi Democrats Against the Occupation
Mark Curtis
Tony Woodley, General Secretary T&GWU
Sabah Jawad, Iraqi Democrats Against the Occupation
Harold Pinter
George Monbiot
Jeremy Dear, General Secretary NUJ
to date we can report that:
Delegates from Iraq include:
Ayattolla Jawad al Khalissi, (Gen Sec, Iraqi National Foundation Congress), Sheikh Hassan Al Zargani, (Al Sadr Movement), Hassan Juma, (President, General Union of Oil Employees, Basra), Hana Ibrahim, (Women's Will Association), Dr Khair Eldin Hasseeb, (Centre for Arab Unity Studies) Delegates from USA include:
Cindy Sheehan, Medea Benjamin (Code Pink), Judy Linehan, (MFSO), Kelly Dougherty (IVAW)



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