The Danish Peace Academy

Reaching Nuclear Disarmament: New challenges and possibilities

The Swedish Network for Nuclear Disarmament cordially invites you to an international conference

February 25-27th 2005

Venue:  ABF Conference Centre, Sveavägen 41, Stockholm, Sweden

The conference will focus on finding new and concrete options for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. 

Friday and Saturday will be open to the general public, while the Sunday session will be reserved for NGO strategy planning workshops.

Dr. Hans Blix, Chairman of the independent Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission (WMDC) and former Executive Chairman of the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) in Iraq, will open the conference with a keynote speech on Friday, followed by a panel discussion and informal reception event.

The Saturday session will begin with an expert panel discussion. After the expert panel we will split into several parallel workshops that will deal with topics such as: tactical nuclear weapons, the terrorist threat and the nuclear bomb and universalization of the non-proliferation treaty.

The Sunday session is intended for internal NGO discussions and planning. After an introductory speech by Felicity Hill there will be five parallel workshops, focusing on preparations for the upcoming NPT Review Conference.

Conference Schedule

Friday February 25

17.00-18.00 Registration

18.00-19.00 Keynote speech by Dr Hans Blix, Chairman of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission (WMDC)

19.00-20.30 Panel discussion chaired by Alyson Bailes, director of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). 


Dr. Hans Blix, Chairman WMDC

Rebecca Johnson, director of the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy

Felicity Hill, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University

20.30 Reception

Saturday February 26

09.00-10.45 Rhianna Tyson, Project Manager, Reaching Critical Will (RCW), on the status and future of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, NPT.

Sverre Lodgaard, Director of Norwegian Institute of international Affairs (NUPI), on his WMDC report “Making the Non-Proliferation Regime Universal”.

Andreas Persbo, Verification, Research, Training and Information Centre, (VERTIC), on the verification and reporting challenge.

Douglas Roche, Middle Powers Initiative (MPI), will be presenting the report from the Carter Centre Consultation on the NPT.

10.45-11.00 Coffee break


Eight parallel workshops:

1. Tactical nuclear weapons 

Workshop leader: Daniel Nord, Desk Officer, WMDC Secretariat

2. The official nuclear weapon states and compliance with the NPT 

Workshop leader: Ambassador Henrik Salander, Secretary-General, WMDC secretariat

3. Making the NPT universal

Workshop leader: Rhianna Tyson, RCW

4. Nuclear terrorism

Workshop leader: Morten Bremer Mærli, NUPI

5. Proliferation of technological capabilities 

Workshop leader: Regina Hagen, INESAP

6. Verifying and ensuring compliance with the NPT 

Workshop leader: Andreas Persbo, VERTIC

7. Reasons and rationale behind nuclear weapons acquisition

Workshop leader: Ian Anthony, SIPRI

8. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and its importance for the non-proliferation regime

Workshop leader: tbd

12.45-14.00 Lunch break

14.00-16.00 Workshops, continued

16.00-16.30 Presentation of workshops, summary

Sunday February 27


Introductory speech by Felicity Hill, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University

10.40-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-13.00 Five parallel workshops:

1. International law: Using international law as a tool for enhancing the NPT and achieving nuclear disarmament.

Workshop leader: Merav Datan, international lawyer and principal drafter of the Model Nuclear Weapons Convention

2. NGO co-ordination: International co-ordination of efforts leading up to the NPT Review Conference.

Workshop leader: Felicity Hill

3. Activist and lobbying strategies: How to combine on-the-ground activism with high level lobbying.

Workshop leader: David Heller, “For Mother Earth”

4. Strategic planning: Prioritizing international NGO efforts in a long-term perspective.

Workshop leader: Rhianna Tyson

5. Politicians for nuclear disarmament: Mayors for Peace and PNND.

Workshop leader: Alyn Ware, PNND

13.00-13.30 Summary of workshops; end of conference

Registration for the Conference

Reaching Nuclear Disarmament: new challenges and possibilities

To register for the conference, please fill in this form and send by telefax to +46-8-7021846 (SPAS) There is no registration fee, but Saturday lunch is offered at 15 Euro. Please note that the last registration date is February 16th 2005.

You may also register at the web site of the conference:

You can find hotel references at the web site.







I would like to attend:   ¨

Friday, ¨       including the evening reception   ¨

Saturday, ¨       including workshop no: ¨       lunch (EUR 15)   ¨

Sunday, ¨       including workshop no:


Swedish Network for Nuclear Disarmament <text>

Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (SPAS) <text>  

Participating NGOs  

INESAP <text>

RCW <text>

MPI <text>

VERTIC (?) <text>

IPPNW <text>

Acronym Institute <text>

PNND <text>

For Mother Earth <text>  

The conference is supported by a grant from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and contributions from the organizers. The venue is arranged by ABF Stockholm.

Reaching Nuclear Disarmament:

New challenges and possibilities  

Dec 2004 rev 0.2 preliminary


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