Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 24. August 2005 / Timeline August 24, 2005

Version 3.5

23. August 2005, 25. August 2005

Two Menwith Hill Protesters Appeal Against Conviction in High Court
Two women from Menwith Hill Women’s Peace Camp(aign), Helen John and Anne Lee, have renewed their appeal against conviction for trespass inside Menwith Hill. The case is under consideration by the Criminal Cases Review Commission.
The peace women issued a statement accusing the former Defence Secretary, Michael Portillo, and the Ministry of Defence of acting in bad faith, because they say that the military lands byelaws, under which they were convicted in the High Court in 1999, were enacted as part of the cover up to conceal the illegal activities carried out by the US National Security Agency at Menwith Hill. They say that no law permits a foreign power based on British soil indiscriminately to intercept telephone and email communications. The Ministry of Defence knowingly colludes with the USA’s law breaking and is therefore an accomplice.
The women won the case at York Crown Court in 1997 when Helen’s barrister Vera Baird, (now Labour MP for Redcar) changed the defence to ultra vires by claiming that the grazing of sheep on the undeveloped part of the Base was not covered by the 1892 Military Lands Act. The MOD won the case back in 1999 on appeal to the High Court, un-apposed by either Helen or Anne, who refused to argue on these terms.
The women say that new evidence has since emerged which supports their defence and that the judges would not have convicted them if they had been aware of it.
Contact: Helen John 01943 468593

NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense
Two Infantry Battalions to Deploy to Iraq for Election Period
On August 23, 2005, the Secretary of Defense approved a request by the commander of Multi-National Forces-Iraq (MNF-I) to deploy two additional infantry battalions to Iraq.
Two battalions from the 82nd Airborne Division will deploy to Iraq for an anticipated duration of approximately 120 days to support security efforts during the election period. Adjustments to troop levels in Iraq occurred prior to the transfer to Iraqi sovereignty in June 2004 and during the January Iraqi elections.
These troops will join 180,000 Iraqi security forces and 138,000 coalition forces in helping set the security conditions for successful elections. Gen. Casey's request for this additional capability was made in close consultation with, and with the support of, the Iraqi government. This approved request temporarily adds an additional 1,500 active duty soldiers to the troop level in Iraq.
This decision follows a decision in July 2005 to deploy a battalion to Afghanistan in support of security efforts during the upcoming September elections.



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