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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 26. April 2005 / Time Line April 26, 2005

Version 3.0

25. April 2005, 27. April 2005

BURUNDI: Thousands disarmed since December, UN official says
BUJUMBURA, 26 April (IRIN) - Burundi has disarmed and demobilised 7,282 former combatants since December 2004 under an ongoing programme that includes their reintegration into society, a military spokesman for the UN Mission in Burundi (ONUB) has said.
The spokesman, Maj Adama Diop, told IRIN on Saturday that of this figure, 6,315 were men, 328 women and 639 children.

Memorandum of Understanding on the Joint Theatre Movement Staff (JTMS) Multinational Integrated Logistic Unit (MILU) Signed Today
On 26 April 2005, a Memorandum of Understanding for the formation and sustainment of a JTMS MILU to perform theatre movement co-ordination duties in support of a NATO operation or exercise was signed at a formal ceremony that took place in conjunction with the meeting of the Senior NATO Logisticians' Conference (SNLC).
The Official Representatives from the six signatory countries (Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Lithuania, Romania and the Slovak Republic) attended the ceremony presided by the SNLC Co-Chairmen, Mr. John Colston, Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning, and Lt.Gen. Tom Baptiste, Deputy Chairman of the Military Committee.
Under this MOU, the six NATO and Partner nations agree to form and sustain a standing JTMS MILU, whose mission will be to develop movement and transportation plans and prioritise movement requirements in theatre, as well as to operate a Joint Theatre Movement Coordination Centre as part of a Combined Joint Task Force Headquarters. The JTMS MILU has a proven capability as demonstrated during the STEADFAST MOVE 04 and 05 exercises.

US Treasury Designates Viktor Bout's International Arms Trafficking Network
The U.S. Department of the Treasury today identified 30 companies and four individuals linked to Viktor Bout, an international arms dealer and war profiteer. Today's action took place pursuant to Executive Order 13348, which targets family members and associates of former Liberian President Charles Ghankay Taylor. Bout himself was designated under the same authority in July 2004 because of his association with Taylor.
"Our targeted sanctions are exposing and isolating the core elements of the Bout financial empire and illicit arms pipeline," said Juan Zarate, the Treasury's Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes. "The Treasury remains committed to fulfilling our international obligations to sanction the former Charles Taylor regime by taking aggressive action against Bout front companies and agents."
The U.S. is submitting the 30 companies and four individuals to a Sanctions Committee established by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1521, which will consider adding them to the consolidated list of individuals and entities tied to Taylor...



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