Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 18. April 2005 / Time Line April 18, 2005

Version 3.0

17. April 2005, 19. April 2005

Marla Ruzicka

Noted activist for war victims killed in car bomb attack
Californian Marla Ruzicka championed humanitarian aid in Iraq

By: Charles Burress, Tanya Schevitz, Chronicle Staff Writers
Monday, April 18, 2005
A car bomb attack near Baghdad has killed a well-known activist from Northern California who entered war zones to record civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan and secure aid for those caught in the cross fire.
Marla Ruzicka, 28, of Lakeport (Lake County), founder of CIVIC -- Campaign for Innocent Victims of Conflict -- died with her driver on the Baghdad Airport road Saturday when a suicide bomber attacked a convoy of security contractors that was passing next to her vehicle, according to her family and news reports quoting U.S. Embassy officials in Iraq.
Sarah Haynes from Friendraiser For CIVIC has sent you a message!
I am sorry to be delivering very sad news. Our friend Marla Ruzicka, founder of CIVIC, was killed yesterday by a car bomb in Baghdad. If you are getting this e mail, you likely know her, or met her at a fundraiser I did for her at my home about a year ago. She was an amazing girl, had dedicated her life to campaign for innocent civilians in conflict (civic). I first met her here in SF when she worked at Global Exchange years ago, but became especially close when I stayed with her in Kabul Afghanistan during the war. She was one of the most alive, friendly, compassionate and dedicated people I have ever known. The last e mail conversation I had with her was focused on her risk being in Iraq, as I was trying to convince her to come home. She said she knew she could be killed, but that this is what she loved, and couldn't imagine anything more gratifying then helping innocent victims. She made it very clear that it was worth the risk. The last thing I said to her was that I was proud of her, and that I would rather see her live a short life doing what she loves, then a long life trapped behind a desk. She wrote back and said these words meant more to her than I could ever know, and that's the last time we spoke.
The military is flying her body home and the services are planned for this Sat in her hometown of Lakeport CA at St. Mary's Catholic Church, 11am. If you'd like to make a donation to CIVIC, you can go to You can also see a photo of her & the orphaned child she was headed to visit when she was killed, which she sent in to her website just a few hours before her death.
Stay safe...Sarah
An American activist who dared to help Iraqi victims
By Jill Carroll
Christian Science Monitor
Intrepid humanitarian aid worker Marla Ruzicka died in Baghdad Saturday when her car was caught in an insurgent attack.
Californian Marla Ruzicka was the head of an NGO whose blend of tenacity and optimism kept her in Iraq long after almost every other humanitarian aid organization had left...
Young Activist's Life Cut Short in Iraq Blast
By Doug Smith
Times Staff Writer
April 18, 2005,1,7596769.story?coll=la-headlines-world
Cocburn, Patric: Forkæmper for Iraks glemte ofre. I: Information, 04/20/2005.

Comprehenisve Conservation Plannning Nearing Completion
A Record of Decision (ROD) for the Final Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) was published in the Federal Register on April 18, 2005. The ROD confirms that the CCP has been prepared along with an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The ROD also verifies that the CCP addresses the issues identified during the public process, and is consistent with Service policies, the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Act of 2001, and sound wildlife and habitat management principles.
The final CCP has been sent to the printer and the Service anticipates that it will be available for distribution in June 2005. The final CCP or a summary of the document will be made available to interested parties. The Service will continue to keep the public informed throughout the remainder of the planning process. A subsequent Planning Update, number 7, will also be released this summer and will provide information on the final CCP.

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Science Applications International Corp., San Diego, Calif., is being awarded a $184,748,113 indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract. The System Engineering Integration Contract (SEIC) will design, develop, integrate, test and deliver with the Mission Planning Enterprise Contract (MPEC) team, all required Mission Planning capabilities. The SEIC will develop and build upon the tools and solutions from the Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) and converge the different Department of Defense Mission Planning systems into a common DoD Mission Planning Environment. The SEIC will be the systems integrator across all platforms and services and evolve JMPS as it adds capability and users. The SEIC strategy utilizes a single award cost plus award fee contract with a 12-year period of performance. This allows the government to retain effective systems engineering and integration stability during the migration of all 40 plus weapons systems from legacy systems to JMPS. Also, the SEIC overlaps the MPEC five-year contract and its follow on contract. The Air Force can issue delivery orders totaling up to the maximum amount indicated above, although actual requirements may necessitate less than the amount above. The location of performance is Science Applications International Corp., Orlando, Fla. At this time, $8,694,669 of the funds has been obligated. This work will be complete by September 2016. Solicitation began December 2004 and negotiations were completed March 2005. The Headquarters Electronic Systems Center, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8720-05-C-0004, 0005).
Orbital Sciences Corp., Chandler, Ariz, and Space Exploration Technologies, El Segundo, Calif., is being awarded a $100,000,000 indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract. These are basic contractors with five-year ordering periods for Responsive Small Spacelift Launch Vehicles and targeted/low inclination orbit launch vehicles and launch services. In addition, three firm fixed price delivery orders for Responsive Small Spaceflight (RSS) User's Guides (Raptor I, Raptor II, and Falcon I configurations). The Air Force can issue delivery orders totaling up to the maximum indicated above, although requirements may necessitate less than the amount indicated above. At this time, $90,000 of the funds has been obligated. This work will be complete by April 2010. Solicitation began January 2005 and negotiations were completed April 2005. The Headquarters Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, Calif., is the contracting activity (FA8818-05-D-0006, 0007).



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