Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 1. Oktober 2004 / Time Line October 1, 2004

Version 3.5

September 2004, 2. oktober

Guthrie ; Jensen: Det land vi bor i

Det er nu sytten måneder siden, at USAs præsident Bush erklærede krigen i Irak for vundet.

Danmarks sociale Forum 2004 starter.

Niger enrols in US global war on terror
By David White
Flinging themselves on their stomachs on a dirt parade ground, Niger soldiers in US uniforms were showingoff their newly learnt routine for advancing under fire.
They were rehearsing a graduation ceremony at a barracks outside Niamey, Niger's capital, after eight weeks of counter-terrorist training by US marines.
The training programme, the first of its kind here, has been conducted in four countries of the Sahel region on the southern edge of the Sahara, a 4,000 km secondary front in the US war against al- Qaeda and its allies.
Funded by the US State Department and run by US European Command in Stuttgart, the plan aims to strengthen local capacity to stem a seepage of armed extremism from the north, especially Algeria.
The programme, initially called the Pan-Sahel Initiative and later renamed the Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Initiative, began with US special forces units in Mauritania and Mali. When those troops could no longer be spared because of requirements in Iraq and Afghanistan, the job was handed to the marines, who sent a team of 24, first to Chad and then to Niger.

The EU Code of Conduct fails to prevent French Helicopters being produced under licence in India and transferred to Nepal
Amnesty International AI Index: ACT 30/017/2004 id=557EF89B216367A680256F1E00633B09
Public Document September 2004
Between June 2003 and September 2004, India supplied a number of attack helicopters to Nepal. The helicopters were manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), in close cooperation with French company, Eurocopter, and reportedly included components from several other EU companies. The direct transfer of attack helicopters from EU Members to Nepal would be controversial given the status of the current conflict in this country and the likelihood that such helicopters would be used against civilian targets. Such transfers of helicopters to Nepal from India containing components and subsystems from EU-based companies seriously threaten the credibility and effectiveness of EU Code of Conduct.
Exports from India to Nepal have included the Lancer light attack helicopter and the Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH). The Lancer is based upon the Cheetah attack helicopter that has been produced in India under licence from Eurocopter, since 1970. accessed 8/2004.
The HAL website reports that the licence agreement for the manufacture of the Cheetah helicopter (Eurocopter designation SA-315- Lama) was signed with Eurocopter (originally M/s SNIAS) in September 1970 and the first Cheetah helicopter manufactured from raw materials was delivered during 1976-77. Eurocopter has also been closely involved in the development of HAL's indigenous designed Advanced Light Helicopter, signing a new Memorandum of Understanding in June 2003. International Defense Review August 01, 2003 : The MoU is intended to revitalize and intensify co-operation between the two companies in the helicopter sector, which dates back to the early 1970s, when HAL license-built the Alouette III (as the Cheetah) and Lama (Chetak). More recently Eurocopter has assisted in development of India's Druv ALH. The companies are to investigate ways of increasing collaboration in production of helicopters and development of joint equipment and systems.
Another French Company, Turbomeca, has provided engines for the Cheetah, Lancer and Advanced Light Helicopters. Businessline. Chennai: Nov 27, 2002. pg. 1 'French aerospace co. eyes India for manufacturing base'. Snecma group company, Turbomeca, has a contract to supply over 200 of the powerful engines for HAL's advanced light helicopter (ALH) project
The Lancer is armed with two rocket and machine gun pods. accessed 8/2004 Each pod carries one 12.7 mm gun and three 70 mm rockets and has a firing rate of 1100 rounds per minute.
Jane's Defence Weekly - February 28, 2001, 'Indian Army to get first Lancers in upgrade project.' The ALH is a military utility helicopter and is designed to be fitted with a variety of weapons systems including a three-barrel 20mm machine gun, air-to-surface and anti tank missiles. Aviation Week & Space Technology, Dec 2, 1996 : India's ALH readied for weapons integration. (India's Advanced Light Helicopter), see also accessed 8/2004
Whilst France remains the principal EU member state involved with the production of these helicopters in India, a number of other European companies have also been reported as supplying components or sub- systems for helicopters manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics. For example, the ALH reportedly contains Italian For example, components for the flight control and the hydraulic system. See: accessed 8/2004
and UK For example the Advanced Light Helicopter hydraulic pack. See: 8/2004 and photograph from Farnborough 2004 components, whilst the Lancer is equipped with rocket pods reportedly manufactured by a Belgian company. International Defense Review, 15 January 1999.



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